Associate Chartered Accountant (ICAEW, 2014)
Masters of Arts International Relations (University of Warwick, 2011)
Joint BA (Hons) European and Chinese Studies (University of Nottingham, 2010)
Certified Internal Auditor, IIA Global, 2017
Employment Track
Financial Controller, Arlyco Ltd (2014-ongoing)
Senior Auditor II, KPMG Nicosia (2011-2014)
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
- The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
- Global Institute of Internal Auditors
Research Interests
International relations and politics: North East Asia, South-east Asia, BRICSAM, SCO; American, Russian, European and Chinese foreign policy; realist theories, the joint influence of external and internal factors in the formation of state interests in the international area, Cyprus problem, peace process.
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- Workshops: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting.
Selective Publications
- “The role of political trust and participation in pro-social behaviour and inter-community aggression”, Co-authored with Professor Evaghoras Evaghorou of the University of Pireaus and Kostas Fantis of The University of Cyprus, International Journal on World Peace, vol. 34, pp 53-85, September 2017