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Dr Andreas Lampis


[email protected]

+357 24694000


PhD Physics (University of Birmingham, 2018)

BSc (Hons) Physics (University of Bath, 2013)





Employment Track

Associate Lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UCLan Cyprus (2018 – Present)

Science and Physics Teacher, The American Academy Larnaca (2018 – Present)

Science, Physics and Mathematics Teacher, The Heritage Private School (2017 – 2018)

Teaching Assistant, The University of Birmingham (2013 – 2017)


Memberships (Academic/Professional)

  • Cyprus Physicists Society


Research Interests

Quantum and Classical Optics, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, Quantum Technologies, Cold Atoms, STEM education


Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)

Teaching and Course Leadership 

  • Module Delivery: Applied Physics for Electrical and Electronic undergraduate students, UCLan Cyprus


Selective Publications 

  • B. Megyeri, G. Harvie, A. Lampis, and J. Goldwin, “Directional bistability and nonreciprocal lasing with cold atoms in a ring cavity,” Physical Review Letters 121, 163603 (2018).
  • B. Megyeri, A. Lampis, G. Harvie, R. Culver, and J. Goldwin, “Why material slow light does not improve cavity-enhanced atom detection,” Journal of Modern Optics, 65:2, 185-191 (2017).
  • A. Lampis, R. Culver, B. Megyeri, and J. Goldwin, “Coherent control of group index and magnetooptical anisotropy in a multilevel atomic vapor,” Optics Express 24, 15494-15505 (2016).
  • R. Culver, A. Lampis, B. Megyeri, K. Pahwa, L. Mudarikwa, M. Holynski, Ph. W. Courteille, and J. Goldwin, “Collective strong coupling of cold potassium atoms in a ring cavity,” New Journal of Physics 18, 113043 (2016).


Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations 

  • A. Lampis et al., “Strong light-matter coupling with cold potassium atoms in a ring cavity,” Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM), Optical Society of America, Paris, France (2017).
  • A. Lampis et al., “Towards controllable dispersion and gain with cold atoms in a high-finesse ring cavity,” 22nd Young Atomic Opticians (YAO) Conference, Munich, Germany (2016).
  • A. Lampis et al., “Steep dispersion and coherent control of Faraday rotation in a potassium vapour cell,” Quantum Sensor Technologies and Applications Postgraduate Symposium (QTEAPS), Hamburg, Germany (2015).
  • A. Lampis et al., “Ultracold 39K in a high-finesse optical ring resonator,” SFB925: Light Induced Dynamics and Control of Correlated Quantum Systems, Hohwacht, Germany (2014).



  • EPSRC PhD scholarship (2013 – 2017)
  • EPSRC UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology Network Funding (2017)


Other Scholarly and Outreach Activities

  • Cypriot Scientist and Engineers (CySE): co-founder and president (2014 – Present)