PhD in Statistics (University of Cyprus, 2016)
MSc in Statistics and Modeling (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2010)
BSc in Mathematics (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2008)
Mathematics (Statistics, Stochastic Processes)
Employment Track
Assistant Professor, University of the Aegean, Samos, Greece, Department of Statistics and Actuarial-Financial Mathematics (2024 – Today)
Associate Lecturer, UCLan Cyprus (2024 – Today)
Special Scientist, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (2017 – 2024)
Adjunct Lecturer, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (2021 – 2023)
Post Doc Researcher, University of the Aegean, Samos, Greece (2020 – 2022)
Associate Lecturer, UCLan Cyprus (2017 – 2022)
Special Scientist, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus (2019 – 2022)
Post Doc Researcher, University of Rouen, France (2018 – 2019)
Teaching Assistant, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (2011 – 2016)
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
- Greek Statistical Institute (Association of Greek Statisticians)
- Cyprus Statistical Society
- Romanian Society of Statistics and Probability
Research Interests
Actuarial-Financial Mathematics, Applied Probability, Control Charts – Statistical Quality Control, Data Analysis, Data Science, Entropy and Divergence, Goodness of Fit Tests, Mathematical Statistics, Multi-State Systems, Quantitative methods for Business and Economics, Reliability Theory, Semi-Markov Processes, Statistical Computation and Simulation, Stochastic Modeling, Stochastic Processes
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- Statistical Analysis
- Probability and Statistics
- Statistical Methods
- Probability and Statistics for biologists
- Introductory Mathematics
- Mathematics for the Social Sciences
- Time Series
- Stochastic Processes
- Survey Methodology
- Nonparametric Statistics
- Probability Theory for Engineers
- Research Methods for Sport Scientists
- Bayesian Statistics
- Linear Models
- Multivariate Analysis
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus
- Statistics in Management (MSc Degree)
Selective Publications
- Dimitrakopoulou, T., Karagrigoriou, A., Makrides, A., Vonta, I. (2024). Competing Risks Modelling via Multistate System Methodology under a Generalized Family of Distributions, Meth. & Comput. Appl. Prob., under review.
- Karagrigoriou, A., Makrides, A., Vonta, I. (2024). Statistical Theory with Applications for the multicomponent stress-strength reliability for a unified set of distributions, Commun Stat-Theor M, under review.
- Georgakopoulou, E., Tsapanos, T. M., Makrides, A., Scordilis, E., Karagrigoriou, A., Papadopoulou, A., Karastathis, V. (2024). Seismic Evaluation based on Poisson Hidden Markov Models – The case of Central and South America, Stats, Vol. 7 (3), 777-792.
- Makrides, A. (2022). Statistical Inference for Multi-State Systems under the Generalized Modified Weibull Class, J. reliab. stat. stud., Vol. 15 (2), 411–430.
- Barbu, V. S., Guglielmo, D. A. and Makrides, A. (2022). A continuous-time semi-Markov system governed by stepwise transitions, Mathematics, Vol. 10 (15), 2745.
- Kroustalli, Ch., Karagrigoriou, A., Makrides, A. (2022). Stochastic Processes & Reliability Analysis: Theoretical Issues & Applications, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, Vol. 13 (3), 563-580.
- Barbu, V. S., Karagrigoriou, A. and Makrides, A. (2021). Reliability and Inference for Multi-State Systems: The Generalized Kumaraswamy case, Mathematics, Vol. 9 (16), 1834.
- Barbu, V. S., Karagrigoriou, A. and Makrides, A. (2020). Statistical inference for a general class of distributions with time-varying parameters, J. Appl. Stat., Vol. 47 (13-15), 2354-2373.
- Barbu, V., Karagrigoriou, A., Makrides, A. (2017). Semi-Markov modelling for multi-state systems, Meth. & Comput. Appl. Prob., Vol. 19, 1011-1028.
- Karagrigoriou, A., Makrides, A., Tsapanos, Th., Vougiouka, G. (2016). Earthquake forecasting based on multi-state system methodology, Meth. & Comput. Appl. Prob., Vol. 18 (2), 547-561.
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
- Seismic Hazard Evaluation Based on Poisson Hidden Markov Models, Statistical Modeling with Applications (StatMod2024), Belgrade, Serbia
- Statistical analysis in the presence of several competing risks, HiTEc meeting & Workshop on Complex Data in Econometrics and Statistics, Limassol, Cyprus
- Competing risks modelling through multistate systems Statistical Modeling with Applications (StatMod2023), Bucharest, Romania
- Reliability Inference for Actuarial-Financial Mathematics, 15th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2022), London, UK
- A continuous-time stepwise transitions semi-Markov system, 23rd Conference of Romanian Society of Statistics and Probability (SPSR 2022), Bucharest, Romania
- A semi-Markov model under the generalized Kumaraswamy case, Probability-Statistics Seminars, Laboratory of Mathematics in Le Mans University, Le Mans, France
- Multi-state system analysis based on semi-Markov processes, 5th International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications (ICMTEA2021), Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
- Reliability Analysis using Semi-Markov Processes under General Classes of Distributions, 33rd Conference of Greek Statistical Institute, Larissa, Greece
- Time-Varying Models: Inference, Simulations and Applications, 6th Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference (SMTDA2020), Barcelona, Spain
- Semi-Markov Processes in Reliability: Theory and Applications, 21st European Young Statisticians Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia
Supervision of Projects/PhDs
- Emmanouel-Nektarios Kalligeris, Coaching/Guidance PhD Thesis, title:” Statistical Process Monitoring Techniques for COVID-19”.
- Chrysoula Kroustalli, co-advisor Master Thesis, title:” Stochastic Processes with Reliability Elements”.
- Evaggelia Georgiadou, co-advisor Master Thesis, title:” Seismicity analysis of Central and South America using the hidden-Markov model”.
- Eleni Mpapka, co-advisor Master Thesis, title:” Application of the inverse Guass distribution and the Log-normal distribution to the study of earthquakes in Central and South America”.
- Representative of Cyprus to the 21st EYSM, July 29-Aug 2, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia (selected by the Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society).
- Representative of France to the 21st EYSM, July 29-Aug 2, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia (selected by the Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society).
- IKYK (State Scholarships Foundation in Cyprus) Fellowship, for the graduate studies (Master), 2008.
- IKY (State Scholarships Foundation in Greece) awards, for academic excellence in undergraduate studies during the academic years 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008.
Other Scholarly and Outreach Activities
- Editing of a Special Issue “Information and Divergence Measures”, Entropy, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy/special_issues/diverg_measure
- Makrides, A., Karagrigoriou, A., Skiadas, C. (2020). Data Analysis and Applications 3: Computational, Classification, Financial, Statistical and Stochastic Methods. iSTE Wiley, 262pp, ISBN: 9781786305343 (Book Editing).
- Makrides, A., Karagrigoriou, A., Skiadas, C. (2020). Data Analysis and Applications 4: Financial, Data Analysis and Methods. iSTE Wiley, 310pp, ISBN: 9781786306241 (Book Editing).
- Organizing Committee Member of International Workshop “Statistical Modeling with Applications (StatMod2024)”, Serbia, September 2024.
- Organizing Committee Member of International Workshop “Statistical Modeling with Applications (StatMod2023)”, Romania, September 2023.
- Organizing Committee Member of International Workshop “Statistical Modeling with Applications (StatMod2022)”, Romania, October 2022.
- Organizing Committee Member of International Workshop “Statistical Modeling with Applications (StatMod2021)”, Romania, December 2021.
- Organizing Committee Member of “22nd European Young Statisticians Meeting (Bernoulli Society)”, Athens, Greece, September 2021.
- Organizing Committee Member of “Young (Greek) Statisticians Contribution to Probability and Statistics with Applications”, within the framework of the 33rd Greek Statistical Institute, (Virtual) September 2021.
- Organizing Committee Member of International Workshop “Statistical Modeling with Applications (StatMod2020)”, Romania, November 2020.