Dr Andreas Marcou
Assistant Professor in EU Law and Theory Course Leader of Bachelor of Laws LLB (Hons)
[email protected]
+357 24694156
PhD in Law, Queen Mary University of London, 2020
MA Legal and Political Theory, University College London, 2014
LLB in Law, Queen Mary University of London, 2013
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Legal Theory, EU Law
Employment Track
Lecturer in EU Law & Theory, School of Law, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus), 2020 – present
Teaching Fellow at Queen Mary, University of London, 2016-2020
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Research Interests
My research interests are in legal and political theory and EU Law. I am particularly interested in theories of democracy and legitimacy at the national and the European level. I am also interested in questions of democratic authority, legitimacy, justified lawbreaking, and civil disobedience.
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- LLB Deputy Course Leader
- LLB Module Leader: Public Law, Land Law, Classical Foundations of Modern Law
- LLB Module Team member: Mooting and Legal Debating
- LLM Module Leader: EU Constitutional Law and Governance
- LLM Modules Team member: Advanced Legal Systems, Dissertation
Administrative Roles
Present Roles
Project Manager for the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for the Rule of Law and European Values CRoLEV (Centre for the Rule of Law and European Values) (2022-2025). Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Project Number: 101047752 https://crolev.eu
- Responsible for the organisation of CRoLEV events (summer school, research day)
- Responsible for the creation and submission of various project deliverables (e.g., research outputs, reports). See for example, https://crolev.eu/publications/
- Editor for the CRoLEV Working Paper Series
Researcher, PREPARED – Pro-active Pandemic Crisis Ethics and Integrity Framework, Coordination and Support Action (2022-2025). Funded by Horizon Europe https://prepared-project.eu/ (through ICLAIM)
- Participation in the ICLAIM team’s work packages, primarily working on fast‐track procedures during crises, and related policy briefs and policy opinions.
Researcher, Cyprus Ombudsman – Closed tender, EU Fundamental Rights Expert, (1/3/23-1/5/24)
- Preparation of relevant reports
Editor for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Populism, https://lawpop.eu (since 2021)
Past Positions
Research Fellow for the Jean Monnet Module EU-POP (2019-22), School of Law, UCLan Cyprus https://eupopulism.eu/
Executive Director for Queen Mary’s ‘Centre for Law Democracy and Society’, School of Law, Queen Mary, University of London https://www.qmul.ac.uk/law/research/research-centres/society-democracy-humanities/centre-for-law-democracy-and-society/
Selective Publications
Andreas Marcou (forthcoming) ‘The Crisis of Liberal Democracy In Cyprus: Corruption, Democratic Ethos and Political Participation’ in The Crisis of Liberal Democracy: Diagnostics and Therapies (Bertrand Mathieu and George Katrougalos, eds) Intersentia
Andreas Marcou (2022) ‘Courts v. the will of the people: the judiciary, democracy, and the populist narrative’ (EU-POP JMMWP 4/2022) https://eupopulism.eu/working-paper-series-4/
Andreas Marcou (2021) ‘Violence, communication, and civil disobedience’, Jurisprudence, 12:4, 491-511, https://doi.org/10.1080/20403313.2021.1921494
Andreas Marcou (2020) ‘Obedience and Disobedience in Plato’s Crito and the Apology: Anticipating the Democratic Turn of Civil Disobedience’ Journal of Ethics https://doi.org/10.1007/s10892-020-09346-y
Andreas Marcou (2019) ‘Review Essay: A Duty to Resist: When Disobedience Should be Uncivil’, Modern Law Review https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2230.12452
Eric Heinze and Andreas Marcou (equal co-author), (2016), ‘Review Essay: The Struggle for European Private Law. A Critique of Codification’, Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.10(1)
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
September 2023 Presentation, ‘The struggle for European values: populism, democracy, and the rule of law’ UACES Conference 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland
June 2022 Presentation, ‘Illiberal democracy’ in Europe and populist threats to the rule of law’ UK-IVR Conference (hosted online)
November 2021 Invited Speaker, ‘Democracy, the rule of law, and the rise of populism: ‘illiberal democracy’ in Europe, Centre for Law, Democracy, and Society, Queen Mary University of London
March 2020 Invited Speaker, ‘Civil Disobedience and Non-violence’, University of Portsmouth, Law School Research Seminar Series
November 2019 Invited speaker, ‘Non-violence and Civil Disobedience: Perspectives from Criminal Law’ Juris North Discussion Group
July 2019 Invited speaker, ‘Moral justifications for civil disobedience: Limits of liberalism and the republican alternative’. Workshop on Legal Realism
September 2018 Presentation, ‘Obedience and Disobedience in Plato’s Crito and the Apology’ POLEMO Workshop at the Central European University, Hungary.
September 2018 Presentation, ‘A republican theory of justified disobedience: the example of Plato’s Crito’ MANCEPT Workshop on ‘Legitimate Injustice and Just Resistance’
Selective Research Funding/ Grant Capture
- Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for the Rule of Law and European Values CRoLEV (Centre for the Rule of Law and European Values) (2022-2025). Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Project Number: 101047752
- Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Funding for completion of PhD Law, Queen Mary University of London, 2015-2019
- Centre for Law, Democracy, and Society Conference. Funding for conference on ‘Resisting Democratic Law: Circumstances, Methods, and Examples’ (August, 2019)
Other Scholarly and Outreach Activities
- ICLAIM Resident Expert on issues related to law, society, and values (2022 to present)
- Member of the ASQAC (Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee) (2023 to present)
Past roles
- Member of the RIC (Research and Innovation Committee) (2020-2023)