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Dr Andria Procopiou

Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Course Leader of MSc Computing

[email protected]

+357 24694000


PhD in Computer Science (City, University of London, 2022)

MSc in Human-Computer Interaction (University College London, 2014)

BSc in Computer Science (University of Surrey, 2013)


Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence

Employment Track

Lecturer, UCLan Cyprus (2022 – present)

PostDoc Researcher, City, University of London (2021 – 2022)

Visiting Lecturer, City, University of London (2018 – 2020)

Full-Time Teaching Assistant, City, University of London (2017-2019)

Hourly Paid Teaching Assistant, City, University of London (2014-2017)

Research Interests

  • AI in Sport Injuries
  • Sports Analytics
  • Hate Speech Detection and Analysis
  • Security, Privacy and Safety in the Metaverse
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy in Smart Cities/IoT

Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)

Teaching and Course Leadership 

  • Module Leadership/Delivery: User Experience Design, Penetration Testing, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Digital Forensic Investigation

Administrative Roles

  • Deputy Course Leader of MSc Cybersecurity

Selective Publications 

  1. Procopiou, A. & Komninos, N. (2015). Current and Future Threats Framework in Smart Grid Domain. Paper presented at the 5th Annual IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation Control and Intelligence Systems, 8-06-2015 – 12-06-2015, Shenyang, China.
  2. Procopiou, A., Komninos, N. and Douligeris, C. (2019). ForChaos: Real Time Application DDoS detection using Forecasting and Chaos Theory in Smart Home IoT Network. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2019, 8469410. doi: 10.1155/2019/8469410
  3. Procopiou, A. and Komninos, N (2019). Bio/Nature-inspired algorithms in A.I. for malicious activity detection. In: El-Alfy, E-S. M., Elroweissy, M., Fulp, E. W. and Mazurczyk, W. (Eds.), Nature-Inspired Cyber Security and Resiliency: Fundamentals, techniques and applications. IET. ISBN 978-1-78561-638-9
  4. Procopiou A., Chen T.M, (2021) “Explainable AI in machine/deep learning for intrusion detection in intelligent transportation systems for smart cities” in Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
  5.  Procopiou A., T.M Chen, (2022), “Security and Privacy Issues, Challenges and Solutions in IoT networks for the Smart Cities” in Internet of Things: A hardware development perspective (Part of the Prospects in Networking and Communications – P-NetCom Series) by CRC Press of Taylor and Francis Group.
  6. Procopiou A., Chen T.M, (2022) “Malicious Activity in IoT Networks: A nature-inspired approach” Advances in Nature-inspired Cyber Security and Resilience by Springer.
  7. A. Procopiou, (2022) “Ready Player Bad: The Future Rise of Extremism and Terrorism in the Metaverse,” 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Reality (ICIR), Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2022, pp. 31-34, doi: 10.1109/ICIR55739.2022.00022.
  8. A Procopiou, A Piki, E Stavrou, N Zeniou (2023), “Free Guy or Bad Guy: Safety, Privacy, and Security Risks for Minors in the Metaverse and Prominent Educational Considerations”, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
  9. A. Procopiou, K. Parpa, (2023) “No pain no game or more game more pain? The effects of summer congested games periods on professional European male football players’ injury occurrences for the following season: A data analytics approach”, ICSports 2023.
  10. A. Procopiou, A. Piki, (2023) “The 12th Player – Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in Football: Conceptualisation, Applications, Challenges and Future Directions”, ICSports 2023.
  11. A. Procopiou, A. Piki, (2023) “#HerMetaverseToo – Gender-based Hate and Abuse in the Metaverse: The Case of Female Athletes”, The 10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing.
  12. A. Procopiou, E. Stavrou, (2023), “Privacy Concerns in Smart Indoor Environments in the Internet of Everything Era: A Smart University Campus Case Study”, 2nd EAI International Conference on the Internet of Everything.