Dr Andria Procopiou
Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Course Leader of MSc Computing
[email protected]
+357 24694000
PhD in Computer Science (City, University of London, 2022)
MSc in Human-Computer Interaction (University College London, 2014)
BSc in Computer Science (University of Surrey, 2013)
Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence
Employment Track
Lecturer, UCLan Cyprus (2022 – present)
PostDoc Researcher, City, University of London (2021 – 2022)
Visiting Lecturer, City, University of London (2018 – 2020)
Full-Time Teaching Assistant, City, University of London (2017-2019)
Hourly Paid Teaching Assistant, City, University of London (2014-2017)
Research Interests
- AI in Sport Injuries
- Sports Analytics
- Hate Speech Detection and Analysis
- Security, Privacy and Safety in the Metaverse
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence
- Cybersecurity and Privacy in Smart Cities/IoT
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- Module Leadership/Delivery: User Experience Design, Penetration Testing, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Digital Forensic Investigation
Administrative Roles
- Deputy Course Leader of MSc Cybersecurity
Selective Publications
- Procopiou, A. & Komninos, N. (2015). Current and Future Threats Framework in Smart Grid Domain. Paper presented at the 5th Annual IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation Control and Intelligence Systems, 8-06-2015 – 12-06-2015, Shenyang, China.
- Procopiou, A., Komninos, N. and Douligeris, C. (2019). ForChaos: Real Time Application DDoS detection using Forecasting and Chaos Theory in Smart Home IoT Network. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2019, 8469410. doi: 10.1155/2019/8469410
- Procopiou, A. and Komninos, N (2019). Bio/Nature-inspired algorithms in A.I. for malicious activity detection. In: El-Alfy, E-S. M., Elroweissy, M., Fulp, E. W. and Mazurczyk, W. (Eds.), Nature-Inspired Cyber Security and Resiliency: Fundamentals, techniques and applications. IET. ISBN 978-1-78561-638-9
- Procopiou A., Chen T.M, (2021) “Explainable AI in machine/deep learning for intrusion detection in intelligent transportation systems for smart cities” in Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Procopiou A., T.M Chen, (2022), “Security and Privacy Issues, Challenges and Solutions in IoT networks for the Smart Cities” in Internet of Things: A hardware development perspective (Part of the Prospects in Networking and Communications – P-NetCom Series) by CRC Press of Taylor and Francis Group.
- Procopiou A., Chen T.M, (2022) “Malicious Activity in IoT Networks: A nature-inspired approach” Advances in Nature-inspired Cyber Security and Resilience by Springer.
- A. Procopiou, (2022) “Ready Player Bad: The Future Rise of Extremism and Terrorism in the Metaverse,” 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Reality (ICIR), Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2022, pp. 31-34, doi: 10.1109/ICIR55739.2022.00022.
- A Procopiou, A Piki, E Stavrou, N Zeniou (2023), “Free Guy or Bad Guy: Safety, Privacy, and Security Risks for Minors in the Metaverse and Prominent Educational Considerations”, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
- A. Procopiou, K. Parpa, (2023) “No pain no game or more game more pain? The effects of summer congested games periods on professional European male football players’ injury occurrences for the following season: A data analytics approach”, ICSports 2023.
- A. Procopiou, A. Piki, (2023) “The 12th Player – Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in Football: Conceptualisation, Applications, Challenges and Future Directions”, ICSports 2023.
- A. Procopiou, A. Piki, (2023) “#HerMetaverseToo – Gender-based Hate and Abuse in the Metaverse: The Case of Female Athletes”, The 10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing.
- A. Procopiou, E. Stavrou, (2023), “Privacy Concerns in Smart Indoor Environments in the Internet of Everything Era: A Smart University Campus Case Study”, 2nd EAI International Conference on the Internet of Everything.