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Dr Aspasia Simillidou

Assistant Professor in Tourism and Emotional Leadership
and Course Leader MSc Human Resources Management

[email protected]

+357 24694007


PhD Business Management – Emotional labour in the hospitality industry (University of Gloucestershire – 2016)

MA Human Resource Management and Organisational Analysis (King’s College London – 2007)

BSc Business Administration – concentration Marketing (Intercollege Nicosia – 2006)


Tourism and Emotional Leadership, Marketing Management

Employment Track

UCLan Cyprus: Lecturer 2016 – Today

PeopleAchieve: HRDA certified trainer: 2008-2014

CIM: Associate Lecturer 2012-2016

Intercollege: Associate Lecturer 2014-2016

Mallouppas & Papacostas: Training Manager 2007-2008

Research Interests

  • Emotional labour in the hospitality industry
  • Aggressive customers’ behaviour in the hospitality industry
  • Stress and burnout
  • Emotional intelligence / Emotion management

Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)

Teaching and Course Leadership 

  • Course Leader, MA Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management
  • Lecturer in hospitality and tourism modules in BA and MA courses

Administrative Roles 

  • Member of the UCLan Cyprus Erasmus Committee.

Selective Publications 

  • Christou, P., Hadjielias E., Simillidou, A. and Kvasova, O. (2022). The use of intelligent automation as a form of digital transformation in tourism: Towards a hybrid experiential offering. Journal of Business Research, 155
  • Christou P., Simillidou A., Stylianou, C. (2020). Tourists’ perceptions on the use of anthropomorphic robots in tourism and hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32 (3665-3683)
  • Simillidou, A., Christofi M., Glyptis L., Papatheodorou A., Vrontis D. (2020). Engaging in emotional labour when facing customer mistreatment in hospitality. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45 (429-443)
  • Christou P., Simillidou, A. (2020). Tourist experience: The catalyst role of tourism in comforting melancholy, or not. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 42 (210-221)
  • Simillidou, A., Vrontis D., Christofi M. (2019). Genuine Emotions When Facing Aggressive Customers in the Hospitality Industry: A Conceptual Framework. In Weber, Y., Vrontis, D., Tsoukatos, E. and Shams, S.M.R. (Ed.) The Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of Management: Challenges and Opportunities (Cross-Disciplinary Management Perspectives), Emerald Publishing Limited
  • Simillidou, A. & Christou, P. (2018). A Paradigm Shift from Emotional labour to Genuine emotional display in the workplace. In Experiencing Hospitality, New York: NOVA Science Publishers
  • Vassou, C., Christofi, M., Simillidou, A. & Vrontis, D. (2019). Shunning hospitality jobs: a disguised power struggle?. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 12(2), pp. 232-253.
  • Simillidou, A. & Vrontis, D. (2015). Buffering out the Negative effects of surfaceacting during interaction with aggressive customers. In Vrontis, D., Sakka, G., and Amirkhanpour, M., (Eds.), Management Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Management Practices: A Global Perspective (pp. 276-300). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations 

Business Conferences:

  • 2007: Presentation on “how to handle complaints” at the IMH annual administration conference
  • 2008: Presentation on how to manage stress at the IMH annual administration conference
  • 2008: Presentation on “effective presentation skills” at students at the final year of BSc in Marketing at university of Nicosia
  • 2009: Presentation on “how to increase productivity” at the IMH annual administration conference
  • 2009: Presentation on “effective presentation skills” at students at the final year of BSc in Marketing at university of Nicosia
  • 2009: Presentation on “consumer behavior” on the annual opticians’ conference in Lebanon
  • 2010: Presentation on “how to manage employee relationships” at the IMH annual administration conference
  • 2010: Presentation on “customer service” at the annual opticians’ conference in Cyprus
  • 2011: Presentation on “effective interviewing techniques” at the annual Get the job conference being organized by IMH
  • 2012-2018: Presentation of effective management of Emotions in Organisations at the annual Opticians Association Conference in Cyprus

Other Scholarly and Outreach Activities

  • Organiser, UCLan Cyprus School of Business and Management: Overcoming the challenges in the hospitality and tourism sector, Larnaca (2017)
  • Organiser, MA ITHEM course: Fund raising event organised by the lecturer and the MA students, Larnaca
  • Organiser, UCLan Cyprus School of Business and Management: Recruitment, Retention and Professional Development in the Hospitality Industry, Larnaca (December 2018)
  • Speaker, Reshaping the Hospitality Industry Conference, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaka (November 2018)