Dr Avv. Daniele D’Alvia
Visiting Fellow of Financial Services and Transactions Law
[email protected]
+357 24 694000
PhD in International Economic Law and Financial Regulation (Birkbeck College, University of London, 2014-2019)
Paris Summer Institute Diploma in Financial Markets (Sorbonne School of Law in collaboration with Cornell University, 2016)
LL.M. in Commercial and Corporate Law (CCLS – Queen Mary University of London, 2013-2014)
BPP Law School (GDL in the Law of England and Wales, 2013 – 2014)
LL.M. in Business Law (Il SOLE 24 ORE Business School, 2009-2010)
M.A. in Business and Financial Law (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 2005-2009)
Associate Fellow (Higher Education Academy, 2015)
Regulation of Financial Markets, Banking and Finance Law, SPACs, M&As and Corporate Finance Law
Employment Track
- Associate Researcher at the European Banking Institute in Frankfurt
- Associate Research Fellow in Financial Regulation at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) in London.
- Lecturer in Banking and Finance Law at CCLS – Queen Mary University of London October 2022 – current position
- Course Leader, Introduction to Comparative Law (Birkbeck College, University of London) September 2014 – September 2022.
- Course Leader, Introduction to Business Law (Bayes Business School, City University of London, former Cass) January 2022 – December 2022
- Teaching Fellow, Corporate Finance Law and M&As, and Corporate and Cross-border Insolvency (CCLS – Queen Mary University of London) September 2019 – September 2022
- Course Leader, M&As and Share and Purchase Agreement (Il SOLE 24 ORE Business School) July 2020 – current position
- Course Leader, Takaful and Islamic Finance (ICC) September 2017 – March 2021
- Course Leader, English Company Law and International Finance (University of Hertfordshire) March 2017 – September 2017.
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
European Corporate Governance Institute, Bruxelles April 2021
Academic Member
Institute for Global Law, Economics and Finance, London June 2019
Centre for the Critical Study of European Law (Birkbeck), London September 2017
Ordinary Member
Society of Legal Scholars, London September 2016
Ordinary Member
British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London October 2015
Ordinary Member
Italian Bar Association, Rome November 2014
Italian Qualified Lawyer (Avvocato)
Research Interests
SPACs, Banking and Finance Law, Critical Financial Law, Corporate and Cross-border Insolvency Law, M&As and Corporate Finance Law.
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- Associate Research Fellow in Financial Regulation at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) in London.
- Course Leader, Introduction to Comparative Law (Birkbeck College, University of London) September 2014 – December 2022.
- Teaching Fellow, Corporate Finance Law and M&As, and Corporate and Cross-border Insolvency (CCLS – Queen Mary University of London) September 2019 – September 2022
- Course Leader, Introduction to Business Law (Bayes Business School, City University of London, former Cass) January 2022 – December 2022
- Course Leader, M&As and Share and Purchase Agreement (Il SOLE 24 ORE Business School) July 2020 – current position
- Course Leader, Takaful and Islamic Finance (ICC) September 2017 – March 2021
- Course Leader, English Company Law and International Finance (University of Hertfordshire) March 2017 – September 2017.
- List of modules taught: Comparative Law, Business Law, M&As, Corporate Finance, Islamic Finance, Regulation of Financial Markets, European Union Law, Legal Systems and Methods, English Company Law, Corporate and Cross-border insolvency, International Finance
Selective Publications
Most Important and most recent:
D’Alvia D., 2023. The Speculator of Financial Markets: The Corporate Valuation of Financial Innovation, Supervision, and the Law. Forthcoming Palgrave Macmillan.
D’Alvia D., 2022. International Insolvency and Finance Law: Legal Constants in Times of Crisis. Routledge. ISBN 9781032107929
D’Alvia D., 2021. Mergers, Acquisitions, and International Financial Regulation: Analysing Special Purpose Acquisition Companies. Routledge. ISBN 9780367609863
Edited Collection
Mason F., D’Alvia D., 2023. Special Purpose Acquisition Companies: Cross-border Mergers’ Rules and de-SPAC Transactions. Forthcoming Edward Elgar.
D’Alvia D., Lombardi E., Shachmurove Y, 2022. Alternative Acquisition Models and Financial Innovation: Special Purpose Acquisition Companies in Europe, and the Italian Legal Framework. Forthcoming Routledge.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
D’Alvia D., 2022. ‘From Darkness to Light: A Comparative Study of Special Purpose Acquisition Companies in Europe, the UK, and the US’ in The Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies. Forthcoming.
D’Alvia D., 2021. ‘Legal constants and the ‘constant’ outside of the law: mobile payments in comparative perspective under European Union Law’ in Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 1-24. DOI: 10.1177/1023263X20987190.
D’Alvia D. 2020. ‘Financial Markets as Financial Systems: A Philosophical Dialogue between Offshore Tax Heaven Islands and Systemic Failures’ in 14 (2) Polemos Journal of Law, Literature, and Culture, 278-297. ISSN 2035-5262.
D’Alvia D. 2020. ‘Risk, Uncertainty, and the Market: a Re-thinking of Islamic and Western Finance’ in 16 (4) The International Journal of Law in Context, 339-352. ISSN 1744-5523.
D’Alvia D. 2020 (first online 2019). ‘The international financial regulation of SPACs between legal standardized regulation and standardization of market practices’ in 21 (2) Journal of Banking Regulation, 107-124. ISSN 1745-6452.
D’Alvia D. 2018. ‘Law and the Market: private actors and self-regulation “towards a new role of public international law”’ in 29 (6) European Business Law Review, 929-948. ISSN 0959-6941.
D’Alvia D., Morbee K, Olivares Caminal R., 2021. ‘PSD2, Brexit, and the Financial Regulation of Payment Systems in the UK’ in The Payment Services Directive II: A Commentary (G. Gimigliano, M. Bozina Beros eds.), Edward Elgar Commentaries Series. ISBN 978-1-83910-567-8
D’Alvia D. 2019. “Mobile Network Based Payment Systems: Competition Law and Regulation in the Shadow of Blockchain’’. Blockchain: legal issues (edited by A. Borroni) ESI publisher 45-62
Book Review
D’Alvia D., 2022. ‘Founders without Limits: Dual-Class Stock and the Premium Tier of the London Stock Exchange’ in 33 (5) Business Law Review, 783-786.
D’Alvia D., 2020. ‘Carve-out M&A Transactions: A Practical Guide’ in 41 (1) Business Law Review, 36-36.
D’Alvia D., 2019. ‘Regulation and Supervision of the OTC Derivatives Market’ in 34 (3) Banking and Finance Law Review, 603-607.
Reports – Policy Papers
- Insolvency Law Assessment – EBRD, London.
- International Bar Association National contributor for Italy in relation to a prestigious comparative research project regarding sexual violence entitled: “Laws relating to rape and sexual assault research”. The full report is available at <http://www.equalitynow.org/sites/default/files/EqualityNowRapeLawReport2017_Single%20Pages.pdf>.
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
Invited Roundtables and Panels
Keynote, Webinar Conference. Seminars in Applied Economics. Presenting a paper titled ‘Risk, Uncertainty, and the Market: A Re-thinking of Western and Islamic Finance’. Delivered at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, March 2022.
Speaker, Webinar Conference. CLC Corporate Law Conference on the Reform of the Listing Rules. Presenting a paper titled ‘SPACs: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’. Delivered at the University of Oxford, Oxford, January 2022.
Keynote, Webinar Conference ‘Da Wall Street a Piazza Affari: la SPAC come veicolo societario alternative al processo ordinario di quotazione. Profili giuridici’ [From Wall Street to Piazza Affari: the SPAC as the alternative investment vehicle to traditional IPO] (Webinar). Delivered at the University of Siena for an Executive Course in Corporate Law, Siena, Italy, May 2021.
Keynote, Webinar Conference ‘Deconstructing SPACs in Corporate and Finance Law (FLE Webinar). Delivered at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, New York, US, December 2020.
Speaker, Webinar Conference ‘A regime fit for purpose? Corporate Governance and Insolvency in the 2020s’, sponsored by Liverpool John Moores University and the Society of Legal Scholars, Liverpool, UK, March 2021. Presenting a conference paper titled ‘Wrongful trading and emergency rules at the time of COVID-19: a comparison between Italian and English Law Insolvency Regimes’.
Speaker, Webinar Panel ‘La finanza Islamica in Occidente e la rinegoziazione dei contratti alla luce della Fase 3: opportunità e rischi’ [Islamic Finance in the West and the renegotiation of the agreements under the Phase 3: perspectives and risks], International Chamber of Commerce, Rome, Italy, June 2020.
Discussant, Panel ‘EU Agencies and Banking’ at ‘Constitutionality, powers and legitimacy of EU agencies or agency-like bodies’, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, November 2016.
Discussant, Roundtable ‘A juridical phenomenology of block-chain and associated technologies’ at Critical Legal Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, September 2016.
Conference papers
‘Hardship clause: is it possible to identify a ‘legal constant’?’. Delivered at ‘The future of the commercial contract in scholarship and law reform’, IALS, London, UK. October 2018.
‘The new economy of financial systems towards the autopoiesis of financial markets’. Delivered at ‘Challenges and experiments in monetary sovereignty’, Harvard School of Law, Cambridge, U.S.. June 2018.
‘Between risk and uncertainty: venturing beyond the epistemology of financial risk’. Delivered at ‘Ways of Knowing: Epistemology & Law’, University of Westminster in association with the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, UK. May 2018.
‘Complex Financial Systems: on the autopoiesis of financial markets and the role of law in systemic failures’. Delivered at the ‘Complexity, Institutional and Legal Reform, and Rule of Law’, Loyola University of Chicago, Rome, Italy. December 2017.
‘The remarkable story of SPACs between a legal standardised regulation and a standardisation by market practices’. Delivered at the ‘American Society of Comparative Law – 6th Annual Conference’, Koc University Law School, Istanbul, Turkey. April 2017.
‘’Comparative Regulation of SPACs’. Delivered at the ‘The Future of Financial Law’, Institute of Law Jersey, Jersey, UK. March 2017.
Selective Research Funding/ Grant Capture
Global Comparative Study on COVID-19 April 2020 – October 2021
I have been appointed as a Mentor and Supervisor in order to coordinate a research project on COVID-19 convened by the International University College of Turin, the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), the Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) and the Association for Promotion of Political Economy and Law. The project is about comparing the legal-economic responses to COVID-19 across over 70 jurisdictions around the World. Mentors and Supervisors include important professors such as Prof. David Kennedy (Harvard School of Law), Prof. Oreste Pollicino (Bocconi School of Law), Prof. Ermal Frasheri (Harvard Kennedy School), Prof. Jedidiah Kroncke (HKU School of Law), etc..
The Future of the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform October 2016 – September 2019
I have been part of this ambitious research project convened by Dr. Maren Heidemann, Catherine Pedamon, and Dr. Joseph Lee. The project is organised by IALS Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law, University of Westminster and University of Essex and it is focused on private as well as public international law.
Challenges and Experiments in Monetary Sovereignty, June 2018 – June 2019
I have been part of a study group of experts on monetary law at Harvard School of Law (Institute for Global Law and Policy). The research project has been convened by Prof. Christine Desan. The research is focused on the meaning of ‘money’ from a constitutional as well as economic point of view.
Building up a Single Payment System for the European Union October 2015 – September 2016
I have been part of the Jean Monnet Teaching Module on the “Europeanisation of the Payment System” that was held in Siena in the second edition of Autumn School at the University of Siena. The research project is convened by Dr. Gabriella Gimigliano and sponsored by European Commission.
Consultancy and CPD Training
- April 2020 – May 2021, Junior Consultant at European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London – Main activities: working on a project titled ‘COVID-19 Response EBRD Insolvency Assessment’. Member of a group of experts providing consultancy on insolvency law regimes in relation to reorganisation plans related to over 38 countries of operation. The aim is to provide a policy paper and assessment on the best international standards to follow in insolvency law as well as to highlight possible legal ‘weaknesses’ of those insolvency regimes due to the COVID-19’s emergency.
- Colin B. Picker Prize, April 2017 – Awarded by the American Society of Comparative Law for a Chapter of the Ph.D on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs).
- Ronnie Warrington Scholarship, September 2014 – Scholarship awarded by Birkbeck University of London for the best Ph.D. proposal in the academic year 2013-2014. Recipient of one scholarship out of two.
- Sebastiano e Rita Raeli Scholarship, October 2010 – Special recognition awarded to the 27 top graduates in law at Tor Vergata University.
- Il Sole 24 ORE Business School Scholarship, October 2009 – Scholarship granted to fund tuitions for an LL.M. in Business Law. Recipient of one scholarship out of two.