Dr Chrysanthos Vasileiou
Lecturer in Economics and Statistics
Course Leader of MBA
[email protected]
+357 24694076
PhD Economics(University of Nottingham, UK, 2018-2023)
MPhil Economic Research (University of Cambridge, UK, 2017-2018)
MSc Behavioural and Economic Science (University of Warwick, UK, 2016-2017)
BSc Economics (University of Warwick, UK, 2013-2016)
Economics, Applied Econometrics
Employment Track
Lecturer in Economics and Statistics, UCLan Cyprus (September 2024-Present)
Senior Consultant, Financial Advisory Services, Deloitte Ltd (September 2022-August 2024)
Teaching Assistant, University of Nottingham, UK (October 2018- September 2022)
Research Interests
My main interests lie in the field of applied econometrics and statistics in more general, especially in the context of welfare and mental health analysis.
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- Course Leader, MBA
- List of modules taught:
- Introduction To Economics
- The External Business Environment
- Principles of Economics
- The Global Environment of Business
- International and Financial Economics
- Business and Management Research Methods
- Research and Study Skills
- Data Communication
- Postgraduate teaching assistant research scholarship, University of Nottingham