Dr Konstantinos I. Kakoudakis
Lecturer in Tourism Management/Consumer Marketing
Course Leader of BA (Hons) Hospitality and Tourism Management
[email protected]
+357 24694071
Ph.D. Business & Management (The University of Nottingham, 2014)
M.A. Strategic Consumer Marketing (Manchester Metropolitan University, 2008)
M.A. Strategic Hospitality Management (Manchester Metropolitan University, 2007)
Diploma of Higher Education in Tourism (Higher School of Tourism Education of Crete, 2000)
Management & Marketing (Tourism Management/Consumer Marketing).
Employment track
Lecturer in Hospitality & Tourism Management, UCLan Cyprus (2019 – Present)
Academic Director and Lecturer in Management & Marketing, Larnaca College, Cyprus (2017-2018)
Consultant/Researcher in Tourism, ETAM S.A. Consulting Services, Greece (2015-2016)
Hospitality Employee: Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas, Minos Beach Art Hotel, Elounda Bay Palace, Minerva Premier Hotel, Greece (1997-1999 & 2002-2006)
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
- Member: International Social Tourism Organisation, Alliance on Training & Research in Social and Fair Tourism
Research Interests
Social tourism, sustainable development, tourism seasonality, working conditions in the hospitality industry.
Roles and responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- Deputy Course Leader, BA(Hons) Hospitality & Tourism Management
- Modules Taught: Tourism, Hospitality and Events Employability & Talent Management, International Cases in Hospitality & Tourism, Applied Research & Service Quality in Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management, Foundations in Scholarship, Research & Technology, Contemporary Consumer, and Integrated Marketing Communications.
Administrative roles
- Member of the Erasmus Committee
Selective Publications
- Kakoudakis, K. I., and Papadoulaki, K. (2021). ‘Social tourism in Greece: A Brief History of Development from the Interwar Years to the Covid-19 Era.’ In J. Lima, and C. Eusébio (Eds.) Social Tourism: Global Challenges and Approaches (pp. 5-17). Oxfordshire: CABI. https://www.cabi.org/cabebooks/ebook/20210096983
- Kakoudakis, K. I. (2020). ‘Counterbalancing the effects of unemployment through social tourism.’ In S. McCabe, and A. Diekmann (Eds.) Handbook of Social Tourism. (pp. 195-208). Cheltenham: Elgar Publishers https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/handbook-of-social-tourism-9781788112420.html
- Kakoudakis, K. I. (2020). ‘When managers create knowledge, they also kill creativity.’ Annals of Tourism Research, 80 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2019.102824
- Kakoudakis, K. I., and McCabe, S. (2019). Social tourism as a modest, yet sustainable, development strategy: Policy recommendations for Greece. In Diekmann, A, McCabe, S., and C. C. Ferreira (Eds.) Social Tourism at the Crossroads, 1st Ed. (pp. 8-22). Abingdon: Routledge: https://www.routledge.com/Social-Tourism-at-the-Crossroads-1st-Edition/Diekmann-McCabe-Cardoso-Ferreira/p/book/9780367258177
- Diekmann, A., McCabe, S., and Kakoudakis, K. I. (2018). ‘Human Rights, Disabilities and Social Tourism: Management Issues and Challenges’. In C. Cooper, S. Volo, W. C., Gartner, and N. Scott (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of tourism management: Applications of Theories and Concepts to Tourism. Vol. 2 (pp. 61-74). London: SAGE https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-sage-handbook-of-tourism-management/book263162#contents
- Kakoudakis, K. I., and McCabe, S. (2018). ‘Social tourism as a modest, yet sustainable, development strategy: Policy recommendations for Greece.’ Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 10 (3), 189-203 https://doi.org/10.1080/19407963.2018.1443938
- Kakoudakis, K. I., McCabe, S. and Story, V. (2017). ‘Social tourism and self-efficacy: Exploring links between tourism participation, job-seeking and unemployment.’ Annals of Tourism Research, 65 (July), 108-121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2017.05.005
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
- Kakoudakis, K. I, Ferreira, C., and Moshnyaga, E. Webinar: ‘The role of the education system to promote social and sustainable tourism.’ E-week of Fair and Sustainable Tourism for All, Brussels, Belgium, June 2020 https://isto.international/cp_news/the-role-of-the-education-system-to-promote-social-and-sustainable-tourism/
- Kakoudakis, K. I. ‘Generation shifts in the senior tourist market: Addressing future challenges through social tourism.’ The 9th International Conference on ‘Tourism & Sustainable Development, Kathmandu/Nepal, May, 2018.
- Kakoudakis, K. I., and McCabe, S. ‘Social tourism as a modest, yet sustainable, development strategy: Policy recommendations for Greece.’ International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO) World Congress, Driving Tourism through Inclusion, Zagreb/Croatia, October 2016.
- Kakoudakis, K. I. ‘Frontier issues on tourism research and career development of young scholars.’ The Second International Young Scholars Forum, Zhuhai/China, June 2016.
- Kakoudakis, K. I. ‘The role of social tourism in self-efficacy and job-seeking activity of unemployed individuals.’ Presented at:
- The International Conference on Tourism (ICOT), Crete/Greece, May 2012;
- The 6th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Fethiye/Turkey, April 2012.
Supervision of Projects/PhDs
- Annie Georgiou, MA Internship in International Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management
- Aikaterini Kanellou, MA Internship in International Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management
- Constantinos Kyrlakis, MBA Master of Business Administration
- Sotiris Georgiou, MA Internship in International Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management
- Tosin Raphael Owoseni, MA Internship in International Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management
- Diana Aframeeva, MA Internship in International Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management
- Marcos Petrou, MBA Master of Business Administration
- Panayiotis Ktori, MBA Master of Business Administration
Other Scholarly and Outreach Activities
- Reviewer, Annals of Tourism Research
- Radio interview on tourism and the Covid-19 crisis. ‘Here and Now’ with Aspasia Vouzi, ERT3 102fm, September 2020. Kakoudakis, K. I. (2020). «Η χρησιμότητα του κοινωνικού τουρισμού σε περιόδους οικονομικής ύφεσης», Huffington Post Greece, May 6 https://www.huffingtonpost.gr/entry/e-chresimoteta-toe-koinonikoe-toerismoe-se-periodoes-oikonomikes-efeses_gr_5eb265cbc5b6f8deb4e97b0d
- Radio interview on the working conditions in the tourism industry. ‘News Flashback’ with Giorgos Tsoukalos, ERT First Programme, January 2020. Kakoudakis, K. I. (2020). «Το παράδοξο του τουρισμού», Huffington Post Greece, January 31 https://www.huffingtonpost.gr/entry/to-paradoxo-toe-toerismoe_gr_5e2b0b42c5b67d8874b0c948
- Kakoudakis, K. I. (2019). «Περί «ποιοτικού» και μη τουρισμού», October 15 https://www.huffingtonpost.gr/entry/peri-poiotikoe-kai-me-toerismoe_gr_5da57de6e4b08f3654904499
- Kakoudakis, K. I. (2019). «Η μάλλον άγνωστη, αναπτυξιακή πλευρά του κοινωνικού τουρισμο», Huffington Post Greece, August 14 https://www.huffingtonpost.gr/entry/e-mallon-aynoste-anaptexiake-pleera-toe-koinonikoe-toerismoe_gr_5d53a120e4b0c63bcbef4c54
Additional information:
- International Social Tourism Organisation
- The Family Holiday Association
- The University of Nottingham