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Dr Olga Kvasova

Associate Professor in Marketing
and Course Leader of BA (Hons) Advertising and Marketing Communications

[email protected]

+357 24694089


PhD in Industrial marketing (Lulea University of Technology, 2011)
MBA (CIIM, 2006) (Grade A)
BA, MA in Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (Voronezh State University, Russian Federation, 2004) (with distinction)
PGCert of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2015)




Employment Track

Assistant Professor of Marketing, UCLan Cyprus (2016-present)
Lecturer in Marketing/Strategy, UCLan Cyprus (2012-2016)
Head of Corporate Services/Marketing Director, WBL Systems Ltd/DPE Enterprises INC (2005-2012)

Memberships (Academic/Professional)

  • European Marketing Academy
  • Academy of Marketing Science

Research Interests

Sustainable consumption, psychological aspects of consumer behaviour, COO effects, consumer animosity.

Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)

Teaching and Course Leadership 

  • Course Leader, BA in Advertising and Marketing Communications (Past: Course Leader, MSc in Marketing Management)
  • Subjects taught:

Contemporary Marketing in Organisations, MBA, MBA DL
Strategy and International Management, MBA
Perspectives on International Marketing, MSc Marketing Management
Postgraduate Study and Learning, MSc Marketing Management
Marketing Principles for Business, BA Business Administration
Business Environment, BA Business Administration
Marketing of Services, BA Advertising and Marketing Communications
Marketing Essentials, BA Advertising and Marketing Communications


Administrative Roles

  • Member of RIC, SEC, Erasmus committees, an organizer of Research series seminars (2014-2015; 2018-2019)


Selective Publications 

  • Christou, P., Hadjielias, E., Simillidou, A., Kvasova, O. (2023). The use of intelligent automation as a form of digital transformation in tourism: Towards a hybrid experiential offering. Journal of Business Research, 155, XX, ABS 3* (accepted, in press)
  • Farmaki, A., Pappas, N., Kvasova, O., Stergiou, D. (2022). Hotel CSR and job satisfaction: A chaordic perspective. Tourism Management, 91, XX, ABS 4* (accepted, in press)
  • Makrides, A., Kvasova, O., Thrassou, A., Hadjielias, E., & Ferraris, A. (2021).Consumer cosmopolitanism in international marketing research: a systematic review and future research agenda. International Marketing Review, XX, ABS 3* (accepted, in press)
  • Leonidou, L.C., Kvasova, O., Christodoulides, P., & Tokar, S. (2019). Personality traits, consumer animosity, and foreign product avoidance: The moderating role of individual cultural characteristics. Journal of International Marketing, 27 (2), 76-96. ABS 3*
  • Leonidou, L.C., Coudounaris, D., Kvasova, O., & Christodoulides, P. (2015). Drivers and outcomes of green tourist attitude and behaviour: Socio-demographic moderating effects. Psychology & Marketing, 32 (6), 635-650. ABS 3*
  • Kvasova, O. (2015). The Big Five personality traits as antecedents of eco-friendly tourist behaviour. Personality and Individual Differences, 83 (September), 111-116. ABS 3*
  • Leonidou L. C., Leonidou, C. N., & Kvasova, O. (2013). Cultural drivers and trust outcomes of consumer perceptions of organisational unethical marketing behaviour. European Journal of Marketing, 47 (3 & 4), 525-556. ABS 3*
  • Leonidou, L. C., Kvasova, O., Leonidou, C. N., & Chari, S. (2013). Business unethicality as an impediment to trust, satisfaction, and loyalty: The moderating role of consumer demographics. Journal of Business Ethics, 112 (3), 397-415. ABS 3*
  • Leonidou L. C., Leonidou, C. N., & Kvasova, O. (2010). Antecedents and outcomes of consumer environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviour. Journal of Marketing Management, 26 (13 & 14), 1319 – 1344. ABS 3*
  • Coudounaris, D., Kvasova, O., Leonidou, L., Pitt, L., & Nel, D. (2009). Fifteen good years: an analysis of publications in Management International Review. Management International Review, 49 (5), 671-684. ABS 3*

Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations/Proceedings 

  • Coudounaris, D., Jafarguliyev, F., Kvasova, O., Sthapit, E., & Marinova, S. (2021). Relationship between the “big-5” personality traits, memorable tourism experiences and behavioral intentions. 3rd Nordic International Business, Export Marketing, International Entrepreneurship and Tourism Conference, 6-7th November, ISBN 978-9925-586-32-5.
  • Coudounaris, D., Kapanadze, S., Sthapit, E., & Kvasova, O. (2020). The influence of happiness on memorable tourism experience and behavioral intentions: The case of St. Petersburg. 2nd Nordic International Business, Export Marketing and Tourism Conference, 7-8th November, ISBN 978-9925-586-30-1.
  • Kvasova, O. & Buffington, J. (2019). Code-switching in Advertising to Ethnic Bilingual Minorities: The Case of Health Care Services. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, the 22nd World Marketing Congress (AMSWMC), Edinburgh, 9-12th July, pp. 195-204
  • Kvasova, O. & Tokar, S. (2018). Implications of Consumer Animosity for Marketing Strategy. Academy of Marketing Science, the 21st World Marketing Congress (AMSWMC), Porto, 27-30th June.
  • Kvasova, O., Tokar, S., & Coudounaris, D. (2017). Consumer animosity: the case of Ukraine. 8th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC Regional), Timisoara, 20-22nd Sept.
  • Kvasova O. & Coudounaris, D. (2016). Psychological antecedents and outcomes of green tourism: sociodemographic moderating effects. 49th Academy of Marketing Conference (AM), Newcastle, 4-7th July.
  • Coudounaris D., & Kvasova, O. (2015). Antecedents and outcomes of COO effect: the extension of self-congruity context. 48th Academy of Marketing Conference (AM), Limerick, 7-9th of July.
  • Leonidou, L., Coudounaris, D., Kvasova, O., & Christodoulides, P. (2014). Tourist environmental attitude and behaviour: Antecedents, moderators, and outcomes. 47th Academy of Marketing Conference (AM), Bournemouth, 7-10th of July.
  • Coudounaris D., Leonidou L., Kvasova, O., & Christodoulides, P. (2012). Drivers and outcomes of an eco-friendly tourism attitude and behaviour. Academy of Marketing Science, Cultural Perspectives in Marketing, Atlanta, Georgia, 29th Aug. – 1st Sept. Award for the best paper in International Marketing Track.

Selective Research Funding/ Grant Capture

Consortium member of COST Action TD1406: Innovation in Intelligent Management of Heritage Buildings (2015-2019).

Supervision of Projects/PhDs

  • Christos Karpasitis. Influence of video content characteristics on virality in Social Media (2013-2016).
  • Rizwana Patel. Factors influencing the adoption of IoT home assistants within an AI/IoT environment (2020 – 2023).
  • Angela Constantinou. The effect of personality and culture on consumer behaviour during a pandemic (2020-2023).

Consultancy and CPD Training

  • Marketing/strategy consultant for Linopia Ltd (Limassol, Cyprus); Cardpay Ltd (Limassol, Cyprus).

Other Scholarly and Outreach Activities

  • Reviewer for Tourism Management, European Journal of Marketing, Marketing International Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, etc.
  • Editorial Board Member in International Journal of Export Marketing
  • Guest Editor in Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Marketing Review, European Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Services Marketing

