Dr Katerina Kalaitzaki
Lecturer in EU Public Law Deputy Course Leader of Bachelor of Laws LLB (Hons)
[email protected]
+357 24694005
PhD in Law (University of Central Lancashire, 2019)
LLM European Law (University of Nottingham, 2014)
LLB (Hons) Law (University of Leicester, 2013)
Professional Qualifications
Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SD2) (University of Edinburgh and Institute for Academic Development (IAD) (Awarding Institution/Body), 2021)
Accredited Mediator in Civil and Commercial Matters – ProMediate Course and assessment (UK accredited Mediation Provider and Registered Civil Mediation Council Mediation Training Provider)
Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SD1) (University of Central Lancashire and Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) (Awarding Institution), 2017)
The Legal Council of the Republic of Cyprus (Cyprus Bar Exams in June 2015)
Employment Track
Lecturer in EU Public Law, University of Central Lancashire Cyprus (Present)
Early Career Fellow in EU Law, University of Edinburgh (September 2019-September 2021)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Central Lancashire Cyprus (January 2019-August 2019)
Research Scholar and Associate Lecturer, University of Central Lancashire Cyprus (January 2016 – December 2018)
Trainee Lawyer, Lellos P. Demetriades Law Office LLC (September 2014 – September 2015)
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
- The Legal Council of the Republic of Cyprus
- Socio-legal Studies Association (SLSA)
- The academic association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)
- Higher Education Academy (HEA)
- European Citizens Association (ECA)
- European Parliament Academic Research Network
Research Interests
European Union Law, EU citizenship, EU Single Market and Fundamental Freedoms, Fundamental Rights, Federalism, Constitutionalism, EU integration, EU Competition Law, Migration and Immigration Law, EU Economic and Financial Governance, European Foreign Policies, Banking and Financial Law
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
September 2021-Present: UCLan University Cyprus, Pyla, Larnaca
Postgraduate Courses:
- EU Single Market (LA4932) (2021-2024) (Module Leader)
- Advanced Legal Systems (LA4505) (2021-2023)
- EU Economic and Financial Governance (LA4603) (2022-2024) (Module Leader)
- International Commercial Mediation (LA4508) (2021-2024)
Undergraduate Courses:
- EU Single Market Law (LW3025) (2021-2024) (Module Leader)
- Legal Method (LW1023) (2021-2024) (Module Leader)
- Comparative Law (LW1040) (2021-2022) (Module Leader)
- Legal Research and Reasoning (LW2020) (2021-2023) (Module Leader)
- Thinking and Arguing Law (LW1009) (2021-2023) (Module Leader)
- EU law (LW2503) (2021-2024)
- Public Law (LW1005) (2021-2022)
- Current Legal Issues in Cyprus (LW1113) (2021-2023) (Module Leader)
- Mooting and Legal Debating (LW1034) 2021-2024)
- Foundations of International and EU Law (LW1028) (2021-2024) (Module Leader)
- Project (LW3091) (2022-2024) (Module Leader)
September 2019-September 2021: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Postgraduate Courses:
- European Law Moot Court (LAWS11377) (2019-2021) (Course Organiser)
- New Classics of EU Law (LAWS11420) (2019-2021) (Course Organiser)
- The EU’s Changing Constitution (LAWS11417) (2019-2021)
- Brexit: Withdrawal from the European Union (LAWS11378) (2019-2020) (Course Organiser)
- Withdrawal from the EU and the Law (Brexit) (LAWS11391) Online Distance Learning (2019-2020) (Course Organiser)
- EU Law (LAWS11392) Online Distance Learning (2019-2020)
Undergraduate Courses:
- European Union Law (Ordinary) (LAWS08125) (2019-2021) (Course Organiser)
- Scottish Legal System (LAWS08128) (2019-2021)
- Brexit: Legal Issues around an Exit from the EU (LAWS10208) (2019-2020)
- EU Law Honours I (LAWS10137) (2020-2021)
January 2016 – August 2019: UCLan University Cyprus, Pyla, Larnaca
Postgraduate Courses:
- EU Competition Law (LA4601) (2015-2018) (Module Leader)
- EU Single Market (LA4932) (2015-2019) (Module Leader)
- EU Economic and Financial Governance (LA4603) (2018-2019) (Module Leader)
- Law of International Financial Transactions (LA4948) (2018-2019)
- Advanced Legal Systems (LA4505) (2018-2019)
Undergraduate Courses:
- EU Business Law (LW3025) (2015-2016) (Module Leader)
- EU Single Market Law (LW3025) (2016-2018) (Module Leader)
- Street Law (LW1105) (2017-2019) (Module Leader)
- Current Legal Issues in Cyprus (LW1113) (2017-2019)
- EU law (LW2503) (2017-2019)
- Foundations in Human Rights (LW1016) (2017-2019)
- Public Law (LW1005) (2018-2019)
- Consumer Law (LW2006) (2018-2019)
Administrative Roles
- Research and Innovation Committee (RIC), Innovation and Enterprise Lead for the School of Law
Selective Publications
- Katerina Kalaitzaki, ‘An Overview and Critical Analysis of the EU Anti-Racism Legal Framework’ in Nasia Hadjigeorgiou (ed.) The implementation of the EU anti-racism legal framework in 6 European States: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Italy and the Netherlands (PRESERVERE Project, CERV-2021-EQUAL, 2022)
- Κατερίνα Καλαϊτζάκη, ‘Ο ρόλος της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων ως θεματοφύλακας των ευρωπαϊκών αρχών: Η περίπτωση της δημοκρατίας, της λογοδοσίας και του κράτους δικαίου’ στον Ειδικό Τόμο των Πρακτικών του Συνεδρίου της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων (2022) 129-144 )
- Katerina Kalaitzaki, ‘The application of EU fundamental rights during the financial crisis: EU citizenship to the rescue?’ (2021) 27(2) European Public Law Journal 331-354
- Stephanie Laulhé-Shaelou and Katerina Kalaitzaki, ‘Of bits and pieces of EU law in territories. The many shades of European integration’ in Diane Fromage (ed.), (Re)defining Membership: Differentiation in and outside the European Union (OUP, 2021) (forthcoming)
- Katerina Kalaitzaki, ‘Covid-19 and the Future of EU Citizenship: In need of a common EU crisis-mode response?’ European Futures (The University of Edinburgh), 5 November 2020, <https://www.europeanfutures.ed.ac.uk/covid-19-and-the-future-of-eu-citizenship-in-need-of-a-common-eu-crisis-mode-response/>
- Katerina Kalaitzaki, ‘EU citizenship as a means of broadening the application of EU fundamental rights: developments and limits’ in Dimitry Kochenov, Nathan Cambien and Elise Muir (eds), European Citizenship Under Stress: Social Justice, Brexit and Other Challenges (Brill-Nijhoff, 2020)
- Stephanie Laulhé-Shaelou and Katerina Kalaitzaki, ‘Cyprus’ investment programme: The (ir)rationale behind its construction in times of crises’ (IMC Research Papers, 2021) (forthcoming)
- Laulhé Shaelou and K. Kalaitzaki, ‘Cyprus Report’ in Jorrit J. Rijpma (ed.), Data Protection: Setting global standards for the right the personal data protection (Eleven International Publishing, FIDE XXIX Congress, Vol. 2, 2020)
- Katerina Kalaitzaki, ‘EU citizenship as a means of empowerment for fundamental rights during the financial crisis’ (2018) 3 Special Section: European Papers Journal 1139-1158
- Laulhé Shaelou and K. Kalaitzaki, ‘The effectiveness and application of EU Law by national courts: towards an internalisation of EU Law in Cyprus’ in C. Franklin, The effectiveness and application of EU and EEA Law in national courts (Intersentia, 2018)
- Laulhé Shaelou and K. Kalaitzaki, ‘The application of the EU Charter in Cyprus’ in L. Burgorgue-Larsen,The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights seized by the national judges/La Charte des Droits Fondamentaux de l’Union Europénne saisie par les judges en Europe’ (Pedone, 2017) 211-260 (bilingual) (20,000 words)
- Katerina Kalaitzaki, ‘The application of the principle of European Solidarity: Another victim of the EU Financial Crisis?’ (Jean Monnet Module Working Paper Series 2/2016, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, October 2016)
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
- ‘Victims’ Rights in Cyprus’ (Fundamental Rights Agency, Thematic Workshop and Study Visit, March 2023)
- ‘PRESERVERE Project and Victims’ Rights in Cyprus’ (Social Mediation and the Rule of Law in Cyprus (SOMEROL) Closing Conference, UCLan Cyprus, April 2023)
- ‘Το νομοθετικό πλαίσιο των κυρώσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και οι νομικές προκλήσεις’ (Επιτροπή Διεθνούς και Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου του Παγκυπρίου Δικηγορικού Συλλόγου, «Δίκαιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και κυρώσεις», Μάρτιος 2023)
- ‘Promoting and Multiplying Knowledge on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Through Experts at National Level’ (National Experts Roundtable, Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna, October 2022)
- ‘The ‘integrity of the EU Single Market’ under threat? The cases of Covid-19 restrictions and the Northern Ireland Protocol’ (European School of Political and Social Sciences Lille, UACES Annual Conference, September 2022)
- ‘Post-crises citizenship: financial crisis, populism, and Covid-19’ (UCLan Cyprus, 3rd EU Law and Governance in Populist Times (EU-POP) Summer School, June 2022)
- ‘The role of national parliaments as guardians of European values: the case of democracy, accountability and the rule of law in Cyprus’ (University of Lancaster, European Parliament Academic Research Network Seminar Series, February 2021)
- ‘The role of the House of Representatives as a guardian of European values: The case of Democracy, Accountability and the Rule of Law’ (University of Nicosia/ House of Representatives Cyprus, Conference entitled: “The Institution of the House of Representatives (1960-2020)”, November 2020)
- ‘EU citizenship in the aftermath of the financial crisis: Stripping away rights or granting further protection?’ (Keynote speech for the European Union Law and Governance in Populist Times, Jean Monnet Module, September 2020)
- ‘Reinforcing the principle of effective judicial protection through EU citizenship: A new jurisdictional test’ (UACES 1st Virtual Conference, European Studies Conference, September 2020)
- ‘Cyprus’ investment programme: The (ir)rationale behind its construction in times of crises’ (4th Annual Investment Migration Conference, Geneva, Conference entitled: “International Mobility of the Wealthy and Global Inequality”, June 2019)
- ‘EU citizenship as a means of reinforcing the application of EU fundamental rights: challenges, developments and limits’ (LLS PhD Research Conference, Lancashire School of Law, June 2018)
- ‘EU citizenship as a means of empowerment for fundamental rights during the financial crisis’ (Court of Justice of the European Union/ University of Luxembourg, Conference entitled “EU Citizenship, Federalism and Rights”, November 2017)
- ‘The Reality of Socio-economic Rights during the Financial Crisis and EU Citizenship as a Means of Empowerment’ (UCLan Cyprus, JMM Conference entitled “The EU economic and financial crisis and ever after. The ‘protecting the wrong rights’ theory”, July 2017)
- ‘The Relationship between the European Convention on Human rights and European Union Law during periods of crises’ (University of Nicosia, Conference under the auspices of the Cypriot Chairmanship entitled “The Inter-relationship between the ECHR and European Union Law”, March 2017)
- ‘The application of the principle of European Solidarity: Another victim of the EU Financial Crisis?’ (Centre for European Legal Studies of University of Cambridge (CELS) Workshop entitled “New Challenges to European Solidarity”, March 2017)
- ‘The effectiveness of the Law of Insolvency of Credit Institutions in Cyprus’ (Central Bank of Cyprus, 1st Conference for law students and graduates, February 2017)
- ‘The application of the principle of European Solidarity: Another victim of the EU Financial Crisis?’ (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4th PhD Forum by NILG entitled “Law and Governance in Crisis-Ridden Union”, November 2016)
- ‘The principle of European Solidarity and its application: Another victim of the EU Financial Crisis?’ (UCLan Cyprus, JMM Workshop entitled “Future Trends in interdisciplinary research”, June 2016)
- ‘The application of the principle of European Solidarity: Another victim of the EU Financial Crisis?’ (University of Lancaster, Annual Conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association, April 2016)
- Full 3-year PhD Scholarship awarded, University of Central Lancashire, 2016-2018
- Cyprus State Scholarship for Academic Excellence, 2010-2013
Research Projects
- PRESERVERE – Preventing Racism and Discrimination – Enabling the Effective Implementation of the EU Anti-Racist Legal Framework, European Union CERV Action Grant Budget-Based (Senior Researcher, February 2022-February 2024) https://www.uclancyprus.ac.cy/eu-citizens-equality-rights-and-values-programme-preservere/
- CRoLEV – Centre for the Rule of Law and European Values (Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence), European Union Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS) (Senior Researcher, February 2022-January 2025) <https://crolev.eu/>
- PREPARED – Pro-active Pandemic Crisis Ethics and Integrity Framework Coordination and Support Action (through ICLAIM), European Union Horizon Europe (Researcher, September 2022-September 2025) <https://prepared-project.eu/>FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the Europa Institute, European Union Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS), (September 2019-September 2021)
Consultancy and Research
- Lead External Expert / Researcher to the Commissioner for Administration and Protection of Human Rights Cyprus for the Project «Supporting National Human Rights Institutions in monitoring fundamental rights and the fundamental rights aspects of the rule of law» coordinated by EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (EEA and Norway Grants, 6/2022-3/2024)