Mr. Sozos-Christos Theodoulou
Associate Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law
[email protected]
+357 24694000
Certificate in Intellectual Property (World Intellectual Property Organization [WIPO] Academy, 2006)
Higher Diploma in Public Relations (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry [LCCI], 2006)
D.E.A. en relations internationales / Master in International Relations (Graduate Institute of International Studies [HEI], Geneva, Switzerland, 2004)
Maîtrise en droit / Master in Law (University of Geneva, Switzerland, 2002)
Employment Track
Associate Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law, University of Central Lancashire [UCLan Cyprus] (2014 – )
Partner / Advocate, The Law Offices of Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou LLC (2004 – )
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
- Cyprus Bar Association
- European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA)
- Rotary Club of Larnaca
- International Trademark Association (INTA)
- International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
- International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
Research Interests
- Intellectual Property Law
- Public International Law
- Constitutional Law
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- Associate Lecturer, Intellectual Property Law (LL.M. programme)
Selective Publications
- S. C. Theodoulou, ‘Bases militaires en droit international: le cas de Chypre’ (2006) Bibliopolis, 148pp.
- S. C. Theodoulou, ‘The UN General Assembly and Treaty-Making: an Overview’ (2007) in Nomiko Vima / Cyprus Bar Association Vol.3, pp.77-115
- S. C. Theodoulou, ‘Les bases militaires britanniques à Chypre: statut juridique et souveraineté’ (2012) in La singularité de Chypre: dans l’Union Européenne (Editions Mare & Martin), pp. 141-159
- S. C. Theodoulou, ‘British Military Bases in Cyprus: A brief overall assessment’ (2014) in Great Power Politics in Cyprus: Foreign Interventions and Domestic Perceptions (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp. 55-66
- S.C. Theodoulou, ‘Halloumi : la propriété intellectuelle du fromage emblématique de Chypre’, Revue Francophone de la Propriété Intellectuelle (2016), no. 3, pp. 101-108
- S.C. Theodoulou, ‘The new Cyprus Trade Mark legislation’ (2019) in Homenaje a Luis-Alfonso Durán: Estudios sobre Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual, Grupo Español de la AIPPI, (Thomson Reuters / Aranzadi), pp. 701-714
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
Regular/occasional presentations at the following:
- European Communities Trademark Associations (ECTA) Annual Conferences
- International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual Meetings
- International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) Congresses, Meetings and Conferences
- International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI) Forums and Conferences
- President of the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA), (2018 – 2020)
- Scholarship: UNITAR Scholar at the Hague Academy of International Law (2003)
- Award: National Winner for Cyprus of the Alliance Française Essay Competition (1995)