Dr Nadia Kornioti
Associate Lecturer in International and Comparative Public Law / PREPARED Project Manager
[email protected]
PhD in Law (University of Central Lancashire, UK, 2022)
Research Question: Cyprus 1958-1968: An interdisciplinary assessment of inter-communal violence, with a particular emphasis on Common Article 3 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions I-IV
LLM in Public International Law (University College London, 2011)
LLB Bachelor of Laws (University of Leicester, 2010)
Qualified Advocate (Cyprus Bar Association, 2014)
Employment Track
- PREPARED Project Manager, (2022-2025)
‘Pro-active Pandemic Crisis Ethics and Integrity Framework’, Funded by Horizon Widera 2021
For more information: www.uclancyprus.ac.cy/be-prepared-prestigious-horizon-europe-project-led-by-uclan-cyprus/
- Associate Lecturer, UCLan Cyprus (2018-Present)
- Migration Officer, Cyprus Red Cross Society, Nicosia, Cyprus (2015-2017)
- Outreach & Development Associate, Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR), Nicosia, Cyprus (2015-2016)
- Child Protection Officer, ‘Hope for Children’ CRC Policy Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus (2014-2015)
- Trainee – Directorate, Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU (FRA), Vienna, Austria (2013)
- Legal Assistant – Justice & Home Affairs Unit, Permanent Representation of Cyprus to the EU, Brussels, Belgium (2012-2013)
- Trainee Advocate, Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus (2011-2012)
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
- International Law Association (ILA)
- Cypriot Branch – Executive Committee Member (2016 – 2018)
- International ILA Committee on ‘Human Rights in Time of Emergency’ (November 2017 – Present)
- European Society of International Law (ESIL)
- Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA)
- Cyprus Bar Association
Research Interests
General research interests include:
- General Public International Law
- Legal History and Legal Theory
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Human Rights Law
- Refugee Law, Migration and Asylum
- Transitional Justice & Memory Studies
- Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
Roles and Responsibilities
Teaching (2022-2023)
- Public International Law (Module Leader)
- Comparative Law (Module Leader)
- Foundations of English and Cypriot Law (Module Leader)
- Cyprus Public Law and System (Module Leader)
- Foundations of International and EU Law
- (English) Public Law
Previous Teaching (2018-2022)
- Foundations of English and Cypriot Law (Module Leader)
- Comparative Law
- Legal Research and Reasoning
- Cyprus Public Law and System
- Introduction to Current Legal Issues in Cyprus
- Jurisprudence (Module Leader)
- Thinking and Arguing the Law
Administrative Roles
- Member, UCLan Cyprus Senate (2022/23)
- Member, Research & Innovation Committee (RIC) (2019/20, 2020/21)
- Member, Academic Standards & Quality Assurance Committee (ASQAC) (2018/19)
Selective Publications
Kornioti, ‘Access to Justice and the safeguarding of Migrant and Refugee Rights before Domestic Courts and Administrative Bodies: Three brief case studies from across the European Union’ in Vasilka Sancin, Migration and International Regulation* (Springer, Forthcoming, Publication Agreement signed)
*Preliminary book title
Kornioti, K. Antoniou, ‘Social Mediation as a grassroots method fostering sustainable community collaboration’ (2021) 2 International Modern Perspectives on Academic and Community Today https://doi.org/10.36949/impact.v1i2.50
Kornioti, ‘Reflexivity and the Uncovering of Silence in International Law’ (2022) European University Institute, Department of Law Research Paper No. 2022/08 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4105586
Kornioti, ‘The Island of Cyprus, Sovereignty and International Law in the Early Decades of British Rule (1878-1923)’ (2020) 32(2) The Cyprus Review 105-128 http://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/754
Kornioti, Book Review: Jenny Wüstenberg. Civil Society and Memory in Postwar Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017 (Historical Dialogues, Justice and Memory Network, Columbia University, 17 September 2019) http://historicaldialogues.org/2019/09/17/book-review-civil-society-and-memory-in-postwar-germany/
Kornioti, V. Gettos, National Report for Cyprus, Preventing Racism and Discrimination – Enabling the Effective Implementation of the EU Anti-Racist Legal Framework (PRESERVERE Project, 2022)
Kornioti, Emergencies & assessment of impact on Human Rights in Non-recognised and other Disputed Territories, Contribution to the ILA International Committee on Human Rights in Times of Emergency (2022)
Antoniou, N. Kornioti and N. Nahouly, Social Mediation Manual on Culture in Divided Societies (ICLAIM 2022) https://social-mediation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/FINAL_Manual-Divided-Societies.pdf
Antoniou, P. Zubaroglu-Ioannides, N. Kornioti and Z. Kizilyurek, Manual on Social Mediation for Social Transitions (ICLAIM 2022) https://social-mediation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/FINAL_Manual_SocialTransitions.pdf
Kornioti, Country Expert – Cyprus, Study on Cyber Violence against Women, European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (2021, Final Report Forthcoming)
Kornioti, Cyprus Rapporteur, ‘Legal History and Legal Ethnology – Multicultural populations and mixed legal systems’ (International Academy of Comparative Law – General Congress 2022)
Iakovou, N. Kornioti, ‘Missing Persons in Cyprus: Observations from the past and recommendations for the future’, PRIO Cyprus Centre Report, 7 (PRIO Cyprus Centre, 2019) https://cyprus.prio.org/Publications/Publication/?x=4294
Kornioti, ‘Law’s Vulgar Silence: On the Silence of International Lawyers in Protracted Conflicts’ (Völkerrechtsblog, 28 June 2021) https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/laws-vulgar-silence/
Kornioti, ‘At the edges of the Rule of Law: International obligations in times of emergency’ (Rule of Law Monitoring Mechanism, 19 May 2020) https://ruleoflawmonitoringmechanism.eu/posts/at-the-edges-of-the-rule-of-law-international-obligations-in-times-of-emergency
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
- Kornioti, K. Antoniou, ‘’Social Mediation as conflict resolution tool in Deeply Divided Societies’, Conference on Deeply Divided Societies: Social Psychological Processes and Theorising, European Association of Social Psychology, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4 November 2022
- Kornioti, ‘Law’s Memory: Method, Theory and Practice’, Symposium: Memory and Post-Memory Laws in Legal Education, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland 19-20 September 2022
- Kornioti, Workshop Delivery ‘Witnessing violence and the liminalities of the international legal self’, Critical Legal Conference 2022, Arctic University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway, 31 August 2022
- Kornioti, ‘Insularity and International Law: Inter-connectedness in Dis-connect.’, International Law and Global Inter-Connectedness – 29th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law, Canberra, Australia, 30 June 2022 (Online participation)
- Kornioti, ‘Law or Diplomacy? Priorities before the United Nations Security Council in the mid-1960s’, ESIL Interest Group on the History of International Law, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 30 March 2022 (Online participation)
- Kornioti, ‘Repairing social bonds through Social Mediation’, 34th International Conference of the Council of International Fellowship, European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 7 November 2021 (Virtual event) (Invited speaker)
- Kornioti, Roundtable Discussion ‘Covid 19 and intercultural tolerance in global legal education’, Pre-Conference Event ‘Transformative effects of Covid-19 on Globalisation & Law, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16 September 2021 (Virtual event) (Invited speaker)
- Kornioti, ‘Insights from international legal history in South East Europe at the turn of the 20th century’, Memory Studies Association 5th Annual Conference, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity Stream, Warsaw, Poland, 5-9 July 2021 (Virtual event)
- Kornioti, ‘Addressing the insecure past of the European Union’s Eastern Neighbourhood’, PhD Workshop on Security and the European Union, EUROPA Institute, School of Law, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 22 April 2021 (Virtual event)
- Kornioti, ‘Armed Violence at the Crossroads of Law, History and Society’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference 2021, Cardiff, UK, 29 March 2021 (Virtual event)
Scholarships/ Fellowships / Grants
- 11-13 September 2022, Herrenhausen Conference: Governing Humanitarianism – Past, Present and Future, University of Oxford, University of Exeter, University of Cologne, Leibniz Institute of European History, Volkswagen Foundation, Hannover, Germany
- 18-22 July 2022, Global Scholars Academy 2022, Institute for Global Law and Policy – Harvard Law School, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
- July 2019, Global Humanitarianism Research Academy 2019, Leibniz Institute of European History, University of Exeter and the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mainz, Germany & Geneva, Switzerland
- May 2018, Berlin Seminar: Truth, Justice and Remembrance 2018, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Berlin, Germany
Selection of other Scholarly and Outreach Activities
- PREPARED Project, Researcher (ICLAIM, 2022-2025)
- CRoLEV, Workshop Facilitator (ICLAIM, 2022-2025)
- Social Mediation Project, ICLAIM, Trainer & Researcher (July 2018 – Present) social-mediation.org
- Rapid Review: The Covid-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Social Sustainability & Societal Transitions in the United Kingdom and Europe: a rapid review (ICLAIM and Centre for Sustainable Transitions, UK, February – July 2022)
- Bosch Alumni Network, Robert Bosch Schtiftung, Berlin, Germany (May 2018 – Present)
- Winter Courses 2021, The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, The Netherlands (online) (January 2021)
- Certified Online Course, Rule of Law and Democracy in the European Union, RECONNECT Project, University of Leuven (December 2020 – January 2021)
- Teaching Toolkit, Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) (2018-2019)