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Mrs Xenia Toumazou

Associate Lecturer in Tourism Management

[email protected]

+357 24694000


MSc, Tourism Studies (University of Surrey, 1985)

BSc, Business Administration (Deree College, 1984)


Special Interest Tourism, Sustainable Tourism, IATA Ticketing

Employment Track

MEMRB, Market Research Executive (1985-1988)

College of Tourism, Lecturer (1992-1995)

LCI Laureate Conference and Incentive Travel, Owner (1995-2006)

American College, Lecturer (2007-2017)

RAI Consultants, Market research executive (2007-)

UCLAN Cyprus, Lecturer (2017-)

HHIC, Lecturer (2017-)

Memberships (Academic/Professional)


Research Interests

Sustainable Tourism

Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)

Teaching and Course Leadership 

  • Course Leader: Essentials of Tourism, Exploring Management in THE
  • Essentials of Tourism, Exploring Management in THE, Tourism in Action, The Tourist: Behaviour and Culture, Management Development in THE, Tourism Planning and Development, Sustainable Tourism, Special Interest Tourism, IATA ticketing course, Travel Operations Management

Supervision of Projects/PhDs

  • MSc Student Supervision: 3 projects
  • HHIC Final Year Project: 3 projects