In cooperation with partners, CEDAR – Centre for Entrepreneurial Development and Research of UCLAN Cyprus is launching the Business Idea Competition 2013.
This initiative is co-organised with a number of stakeholder organisations that include : Larnaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Famagusta Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Junior Chamber International (Cyprus), Women’s Coop Bank, Cyprus Federation of Business and Professional Women, Cyprus Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, Anaptixiaki – ANETEL, and UK based EPISTEME and National Federation of Cypriots.
The competition is open to enterprising youngsters, students, MBAs, alumni, young professionals, and social enterprisers who aspire to venture out and are keen to explore the potential of their business idea.
Dr Panikkos Poutziouris , Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Business at UCLan Business School, who leads this initiative, said : “ In the current adverse economic climate it is of paramount importance that we inspire and support the aspiring entrepreneurs to kick-start new ventures ; entrepreneurship and new business creation will help engineer innovations, fuel the growth of the economy, open new growth horizons and generate new jobs.”
Enterprisers are invited to register their interests and join training workshops which are orchestrated in Cyprus and the UK in to offer support and guidance on how to develop a winning business proposal:
• March 12th, 2013: Limassol Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with JCI (Cyprus)
• March 14th, 2013: UCLAN Cyprus, Larnaka
• March 26th, 2013: Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Nicosia (in cooperation with JCI (Cyprus)
• April 9th, 2013: Hellenic Centre, London
Individuals or groups interested to participate in the Business Idea Competition should submit a (4) page proposal by May 15th, 2013.
The best three proposals will be honoured :
• 1st Award €1,500 sponsored by Alpha Bank
• 2nd Award €1,000 sponsored by Demetrakis Koumandari Foundation
• 3rd Award , complimentary registrations on UCLAN MBA Module: New Enterprise Venture Development
For more information and registration email to [email protected]