On March 2, 2022, the School of Law presented the first of a series of Continuing Professional Development Seminars in financial regulation, namely, “Financial Innovations in Times of Crisis”.
The seminar was chaired by Dr. Maria Tatsiou (Lecturer in Financial and Corporate Law) who introduced the topic by presenting some of the culminating changes in the financial and regulatory environment evidenced in the financial sector over the last few decades, before giving the floor to the main speaker Dr. Avv. Daniele D’Alvia (Visiting Fellow of Financial Services and Transactions Law). You may find relevant slides here.
The seminar gave an overview of different financial innovations over the years beginning with the Knights Templar in London where the first international banking system was created using pilgrimages to transfer money from London to Jerusalem and later moved on to more recent examples of financial innovations, including various means of investment, such as Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) and cryptocurrencies.
Finally, during the Q&A session of the seminar, delegates had the opportunity to ask the speakers to touch upon other types of financial innovation, such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as well as discuss the possible impact of the war in Ukraine upon the financial sector, including the price of trading derivatives and their profitability.
The recording of the seminar can be accessed freely and fully here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWse6GVY2HM&t=4401s
For the seminar’s flyer, click here.