UCLan Cyprus, the Enterprising British University in Larnaca -Cyprus, in cooperation with EPISTEME- The Association of British Cypriot Professionals are organising “An Entrepreneurship Forum” with the theme “Enterprise in Education and Education in Enterprise”. This open forum will be taking place on Tuesday, 9th of April 2013, from 18:30pm to 20:00pm at the Boardroom of the Hellenic Centre under the auspices of Peter Droussiotis, President of EPISTEME and of the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK.
The forum aims to showcase enterprise schemes which seek to promote new venture creation, innovation and enterprise across socio-commercial fields, generations and walks of life. It will offer a panorama of entrepreneurship programmes in operation in Cyprus and beyond, geared to aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to kick start new business ventures.
Dr Panikkos Poutziouris, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Business at UCLan Cyprus will offer a workshop tailored on the Business Idea Competition 2013. This initiative is co-organised with a number of stakeholder organisations that include: Larnaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Famagusta Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Junior Chamber International (Cyprus), Women’s Coop Bank, Cyprus Federation of Business and Professional Women, Cyprus Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, Anaptixiaki Larnakos – ANETEL, and UK based EPISTEME and National Federation of Cypriots.
Professor Poutziouris said :. “ it is vital that we inspire and support the next generation of entrepreneurs to promote new ventures ; they can help to fuel the engine of the economy to get going, open new growth horizons and generate jobs.”
The workshop is open to enterprising youngsters, students, MBAs, alumni, young professionals, and social enterprisers who aspire to venture out and are keen to explore the potential of their business idea. Please register your participation via [email protected].