Guest Lectures Series in Private International Law – March 2022 (via MS Teams)
Private International Law (PIL) or “Conflict of Laws” is an area of law that is both fascinating as well as complex to excel in. At the School of Law of UCLan Cyprus, a module of Private International Law is offered on the LLB as an option to third year undergraduate law students.
During the second semester of the academic year 2021-22, UCLan Cyprus in association with the EU funded project EN4s, under the direction of Professor Ettore Maria Lombardi (Senior Visiting Fellow in Private International Law), and the organisation of Dr. Maria Tatsiou (Module Leader in PIL) and Professor Stephanie Laulhé-Shaelou (Head of School of Law and Series Convenor), students and alumni of the School of Law as well as legal practitioners from across multiple jurisdictions were offered the opportunity to participate in a guest lectures series featuring internationally esteemed experts in the field.
The three guest lectures aimed at enriching the grasp of knowledge and understanding of this demanding area of law as well as create awareness as to the potential challenges that may present themselves in litigation due to a multitude of factors, including Brexit, as well as national and regional commercial developments.Delegates enjoyed watching the presentations given by our three esteemed guests as well as ask questions about any possible expansions of or limitations that may be experienced in the PIL arena in the future.
All three guest lectures are freely available and can be viewed here:
“Provisional and protective measure: Evidence-gathering process”
“Succession and Private International Law”
“Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments under English law and EU law”
The School of Law of UCLan Cyprus would like to thank Professor Ettore Lombardi and our esteemed guest speakers Professor Michael Stüerner, Professor Marco Martino, and Justice Marcello Marinari, for their invaluable contribution and sharing of knowledge.