IELTS Courses
Our IELTS courses will provide you with the necessary preparation to help you progress into your chosen undergraduate or postgraduate degree, regardless of level.Learn with the help of IELTS certified and trained instructors.
Our Intensive IELTS Courses provide you with:
• Access to various practice tests.
• Extensive practice opportunities improving your productive skills, speaking and writing.
• Top quality course material, following in-novative approaches to language learn-ing through the application of 21st century methodology. Focus on the development of your language skills and competencies, through an interactive language-learning environment.
• An opportunity to develop your study skills.
Intensive Courses
These courses are structured for an intensive mode of study to prepare you for the well- known IELTS exam. Join us for approximately 150 hours of IELTS training, offering you an opportunity to develop your Academic English and familiarise yourself with the structure and question types covered in the IELTS test. This course will build your confidence and knowl-edge, taking you to your desired IELTS level.
Course Start dates: October-May
Language Levels: Three entry levels:
Entry level: 3-4, exit: 5,
Entry level: 4.5 -5 exit: 6,
Entry level: 5.5 – 6, exit: 7 and up
Total Hours: 96 contact hours plus up to 30 hours of self-directed learning