Friday 18th September 2015 marked yet another successful day for the Jean Monnet Module running at the School of Law of UCLan Cyprus and co-funded by the European Union in the field of the Law of EU Economic and Financial Governance in the EU (FECoGov). Several postgraduate students working on research within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module and under the direction of Dr. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou, Associate Professor, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus and Jean Monnet Module Leader and Academic Coordinator, were invited to give presentations at the Central Bank of Cyprus.
The first session was entitled ‘Resolution of disputes arising from the banking crisis’ and consisted of the presentation and the discussion of two papers. The first one was entitled ‘Instances of access to justice of depositors/debtors in the context of the EU economic and financial crisis’ and was presented by Olga Georgiades, PhD candidate, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus. The second paper was entitled ‘The definition of deposits and the role of arbitration in the context of the EU economic and financial crisis’ and was presented by Despina Christofi, Research scholar and Jean Monnet Module Research Assistant, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus.
The second session was entitled ‘EU financial and economic governance’ and also consisted of the presentation and the discussion of two papers. The first one was entitled ‘EU/EMU withdrawal: a comparative analysis’ and was presented by Rafaella Papadopoulou, LLM Student, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus. The second one was entitled ‘The ESM Treaty, Member State perceptions and the role of the EU institutions’ (forthcoming Jean Monnet Working Paper, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus) and was presented by Marina Panayi, LLM graduate, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus.
A number of experts from the different departments and units of the Central Bank of Cyprus attended the presentations and actively participated to the discussions, making the event a fruitful exercise for all.
For more information on the Jean Monnet Module and its activities, please contact [email protected] or visit www.uclancyprus.ac.cy/research/jean-monnet-module (under construction).