On January 18, SDSN held the Global Solutions Forum (GSF) alongside the G-STIC in Dubai during the Global Goals Week at Expo 2020. Bringing together sustainable development experts from around the world, the event showcased five selected global innovators from SDSN’s National and Regional Networks who presented their breakthrough efforts from Bangladesh, Cyprus, Thailand, Turkey, and Colombia.
A group of five selected global innovators from SDSN’s National and Regional Networks presented their breakthrough efforts, from Bangladesh, Cyprus, Thailand, Turkey, Colombia. Boasting new partnerships with both the Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Community (G-STIC), the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), and PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet, a partnership initiative to support peer-peer exchange around solutions, the third edition of the GSF focused on hands-on solutions to build forward better, leaving no one behind.
The event was moderated by Jessica Espey, Senior Advisor to the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network which also guided a feedback discussion with the Solutions Committee composed by Martha Getachew Bekele, Lead Analyst, East Africa, Development Initiatives (DI), Aissa Traore, Program Officer, IUCN and Michael Shank, Director of Communications, Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance.
The G-STIC conference, which hosted the GSF, was a great success, welcoming 3900 participants from 125 countries and 390 speakers onsite and online.
Social mediation for conflict resolution, Cyprus
A winning solution presented by Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou, Head, School of Law and Professor of European Law and Reform, UCLan Cyprus and ICLAIM Founder Nadia Kornioti, Research Scholar, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus and ICLAIM.