School of Business & Management
Open Seminar Series: Academic Research
The best way to get cited? An example of a systematic literature review by the Assistant Professor in Sport Business Management (UCLan Cyprus), Dr. Christos Anagnostopoulos
Systematic reviews of the literature occupy the highest position in currently proposed hierarchies of evidence. Indeed, review papers accrue more citations than those discussing original research. In this presentation, Dr Anagnostopoulos will be drawing on a (ahead-of-print) publication to illustrate how the notion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been examined in the context of professional team sport organisations (PTSOs). Analysis reviewed articles on CSR within PTSOs and identified publication year; geographical dispersion; journal type; sports contexts; social issues investigated; research approaches and methods; and how CSR was conceptualized, defined, and theoretically supported. The findings indicate that CSR within PTSOs has primarily been investigated in community programs, using qualitative research methods and pragmatically conceptualizing CSR on the basis of return on investments to the organization in European and North American contexts. The discussion provides a critical review of the literature before outlining avenues for future research and practice.