The Alumni of UCLan Cyprus and the Centre for Entrepreneurial Development-Alliance-Research (CEDAR) invite you to the virtual launch of the Enterprising in New and Venture Innovation Alumni Competition, which is organised via Microsoft Teams on Saturday 22nd May 2021, at 10:00 for 15 minutes, and is part of the MBA Entrepreneurship workshop.
The Enterprising in New and Venture Innovation Alumni Competition (E.N.V.I.A) is open to enterprising graduates that have pursued new start-up ventures or have played a key role in the smart transformation of established ventures including, their owner-managed family firms. The E.N.V.I.A. competition aims to celebrate alumni entrepreneurialism and show-case business success stories across stages of the business life cycle.
As per the attached E.N.V.I.A flyer, there will be two categories of awards, as follows:
- The new start-up venture award to honour new venture creation.
- The innovation award, where a traditional owner-managed [family] business has been the subject of a new growth and/or smart turnaround strategies.
Each award will involve €1,000 and complimentary participation of nominations for awards in the workshops offered by the MBA Entrepreneurship Camp 2022.
- Deadline for submissions 15th September 2021
- Shortlisting for nominations of Awards – by Jury of experts: End of September 2021
- Presentations by nominated ventures in front of the Jury and Awards ceremony: Early October 2021
You can find out more information about the E.N.V.I.A Competition, i.e. aims, criteria, terms of the competition and the key procedures here.
Please register your participation by sending an email to Dr. Fanos Tekelas: [email protected]