Following the previous successful implementation of the project ‘Social Mediation in Practice’, in 2019-2020, which was awarded the European Citizen Prize by the European Parliament in 2020, the new project retains is strong bi-communal element, bringing together participants from all communities of Cyprus, with a focus on Cyprus, identity and culture. The project is kindly supported by the British High Commission in Nicosia, and is implemented by UCLan Cyprus and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law, Alternative and Innovative Methods (ICLAIM).
The aim of the project is to foster the expansion of Social Mediation as a conflict resolution tool in a social context, building specifically on its potential as a peacebuilding tool. The project takes a deeper look on the socio-cultural realities in Cyprus across the continuous division of the island, addressing questions of identity and culture across all Cypriot communities, and religious groups.
This latest project comprises two new training workshops on the use of Social Mediation. The first training, will take place on 6 November 2021, inviting parents and their children (aged 11 years old or above) to join us for a one-day training. A second one-day workshop, will take place on 20 November 2021, inviting young people (aged 16-35). All participants aged 16 and above (subject to consent) will be eligible to join the Social Mediators’ Network established in September 2020.
A separate meeting of the Network has been scheduled under this project, in December 2021, to which participants from 6 and 20 November will be invited separately. A final public event has been scheduled for 20 January 2022, to celebrate the one-year anniversary from the Network’s establishment, and launch its online digital platform.
Lastly, through feedback and recommendations received from Workshop participants on how they envisage the use of Social Mediation in a divided society like Cyprus, a Manual on Social Mediation and Culture in Divided Societies will be published, enriched with practical recommendations, theoretical and empirical data, addressed to local and international networks working on Peacebuilding and societies dealing with major structural problems, which lead to division and lack of trust among separate groups.
Registrations for Workshops I or II are now open here.
For more information contact us at [email protected].