The CEO and Chair of UCLan Cyprus Council, Mr Floros Voniatis, and Professor
Panikkos Poutziouris, the Rector of UCLan Cyprus, with great honour welcomed H.E.
the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, Mr Huang Xingyuan at UCLan
Cyprus Campus on Friday the 12th of April 2019. The purpose of his
visit was to present the “Belt and Road” initiative
and the opportunities for Cyprus and more specifically for UCLan Cyprus.
The event commenced with a welcoming speech by the Rector, Professor
Panikkos Poutziouris, at the presence of the University’s Executive Team, the
Heads of Schools and the Chinese Students of UCLan Cyprus, H.E. the Ambassador
and Mr. LI Yaohui, the Commercial Counsellor of the People’s Republic of China
Embassy. Throughout his interesting speech, it was highlighted that ”One Belt One Road” has inspired the building of bridges
of cooperation between China and its partners in terms of investment education,
research, innovation and enterprise, across continents in the Middle East, North Africa and in the European
Mr Floros Voniatis, during
his presentation, mentioned that UCLan UK (the mother University of UCLan
Cyprus) and UCLan Cyprus’ mission to China is to
build and expand their partnership with Chinese institutions locally,
regionally and internationally. Considering its presence for more than 30
years in China, UCLan plans to enhance its activities on the country and the region,
expanding in various fields of interest, such as the one of Football.
Following the CEO’s presentation, H.E. the Ambassador
Mr Huang Xingyuan gave a speech, expressing his appreciation to Mr Floros
Voniatis regarding his insightful presentation that focused on the plethora of
opportunities available for the two countries, in order to coordinate development
plans and common interests under this initiative. Finally yet importantly, he
confidently assured that hard work and dedication are the main ingredients for
UCLan Cyprus and China’s successful cooperation.
At the end, the delegates toured the British University of Cyprus that epitomizes the Transnational Education partnership model, as it offers ‘double awarded degrees’ accredited by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) of the UK and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus.
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