For the first time in Cyprus, a big Conference on Dentistry is taking place in Larnaka. The event is organised by UCLan Cyprus and UCLan UK in association with the VSS Academy and in conjunction with the OSSTEM Implants.
Programme of events:
Friday 6th July; 1-5pm
The Digital Dentistry Workflow in General and Implant Dentistry
with Mr Patrik Zachrisson and Mr Ashley Byrne
Saturday 7th July; 9am-5pm
Session 1: What we know, what we think we know, and what we don’t know about Immediate Extraction Socket Management
Session 2: Interdisciplinary Approach for Treating the Esthetically Compromised Patient
with Dr Dennis P. Tarnow
Fees: Friday & Saturday: £350 per person | Saturday only: £250 per person
More details & Booking information can be found on the flyer.