The Hospitality & Tourism cluster focuses on the following areas of interest: Travel behaviour in post-conflict societies; niche tourism as a contributor to peace; sport tourism; emotional labour in the hospitality industry; social tourism; dealing with emotions during interactions with aggressive customers.
Purpose statement:
International travel activity is today more voluminous and diverse than ever before. Its constant diversification and evolution, particularly in periods of unprecedented global crises, make its scholarly examination vital both for academia and for the professionals in the travel sector. The Hospitality and Tourism industries hold a considerable share of global global economic activity, while they are also catalytic stakeholders in international relations and cross-cultural interaction. The field of Hospitality and Tourism study is interdisciplinary, and its findings inform multiple scholarly areas within the Social Sciences, including Sociology, Anthropology, Social Psychology, Economics, Geography and Political Science. The purpose of this cluster is to:
- Contribute to the Hospitality and Tourism field with new knowledge and excellent research
- Provide knowledge transfer initiatives to benefit students, academics, and practitioners
- Become a reference point for the latest developments in Hospitality and Tourism, their implications, and future projections
Organisation of Conferences and Knowledge Transfer Events:
- Conference: New Strategic Horizons in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry, Larnaka (2019)
- Conference: Recruitment, Retention and Professional Development in the Hospitality Industry, Larnaka (2018)
- Conference: Overcoming the challenges in the hospitality and tourism sector, Larnaka (2017)
Participation of our Experts in Knowledge Transfer Events:
- Antoniou Katerina, Invited Speaker, Putting People First: The new stresses of sociocultural practice in a post-pandemic world,Unlearning Talks, START Greece (September 2020)
- Antoniou Katerina, Invited Speaker, Careers in the Tourism Sector, Blue Career Fair 2018, MENTOR Project, Municipal Theatre, Larnaka (December 2018)
- Antoniou Katerina, Invited Speaker, Reshaping the Hospitality Industry Conference, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaka (November 2018)
- Simillidou, Aspasia, Invited Speaker, Reshaping the Hospitality Industry Conference, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaka (November 2018)
- 3 rd Pancyprian Tourism Conference: The Branding of Ayia Napa, Nissi Beach Hotel, Ayia
Napa (April 2016)
Featured Academic Publications by the Cluster’s Resident Experts:
- Christou, P. & Simillidou, A. (2020). “Tourists’ perceptions on the use of anthropomorphic robots in tourism and hospitality”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
- Christou, P. & Simillidou, A. (2020). Tourist experience: The catalyst role of tourism in comforting melancholy, or not, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 42, 210-221.
- Simillidou, A., Christofi M., Glyptis L., Papatheodorou A. & Vrontis D. (2020). Engaging in emotional labour when facing customer mistreatment in hospitality, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 429-443.
- Kakoudakis, K. I. (2020). ‘Counterbalancing the effects of unemployment through social tourism.’ In S. McCabe, and A. Diekmann (Eds.) Handbook of Social Tourism. (pp. 195-208). Cheltenham: Elgar Publishers
- Antoniou, K. (2020). “The Role of Visiting Professionals in Peacebuilding”. In Role and Impact of Tourism in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation (pp. 320-341). IGI Global.
- Odigiri, Maxwell, Watson, Derek, Hayes, Catherine and Tekelas, Fanos (2020) Factors Affecting Academic Job Performance in Nigerian Universities; A Case Study of Delta State University & Igbinedion University Okada. The Market: International Journal of Business, 1 (1). pp. 42-56.
- Kakoudakis, K. I. (2020). “When managers create knowledge, they also kill creativity”, Annals of Tourism Research, 80.
- Farmaki, A., Antoniou, K. and Christou, P. (2019). “Visiting the ‘enemy’: Visitation in politically unstable destinations”, Tourism Review, 74(3).
- Kakoudakis, K. I., and McCabe, S. (2019). Social tourism as a modest, yet sustainable, development strategy: Policy recommendations for Greece. In Diekmann, A, McCabe, S., and C. C. Ferreira (Eds.) Social Tourism at the Crossroads, 1st Ed. Abingdon: Routledge
- Vassou, C., Christofi, M., Simillidou, A. & Vrontis, D. (2019). Shunning hospitality jobs: a disguised power struggle?. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 12(2), pp. 232-253.
- Watson, D., Yap,S., Pandi,S., Husband, J and Tekelas,F. (2018)“Brexit and the Implications of Food Safety Cultural Compliance in the Food Manufacturing Sector”, Acta Scientific Microbiology, 1 (4), pp.1-9.
- Kakoudakis, K. I., and McCabe, S. (2018). ‘Social tourism as a modest, yet sustainable, development strategy: Policy recommendations for Greece.’ Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 10 (3), 189-203
- Watson, D., Yap,S., Pandi,S., Husband, J and Tekelas,F. (2018)“Brexit and the Implications of Food Safety Cultural Compliance in the Food Manufacturing Sector”, Acta Scientific Microbiology, 1 (4), pp.1-9.
- Diekmann, A., McCabe, S., and Kakoudakis, K. I. (2018). ‘Human Rights, Disabilities and Social Tourism: Management Issues and Challenges’. In C. Cooper, S. Volo, W. C., Gartner, and N. Scott (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of tourism management: Applications of Theories and Concepts to Tourism. Vol. 2 (pp. 61-74). London: SAGE.
- Simillidou, A. & Christou, P. (2018). A Paradigm Shift from Emotional labour to Genuine emotional display in the workplace. In Experiencing Hospitality, New York: NOVA Science Publishers
- Farmaki, A., and Antoniou, K. (2017). “Politicising dark tourism sites: Evidence from Cyprus”. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 9(2), 175-186.
- Kakoudakis, K. I., McCabe, S. and Story, V. (2017). ‘Social tourism and self-efficacy: Exploring links between tourism participation, job-seeking and unemployment.’ Annals of Tourism Research, 65 (July), 108-121.
- Simillidou, A. & Vrontis, D. (2015). Buffering out the Negative effects of surfaceacting during interaction with aggressive customers. In Vrontis, D., Sakka, G., and Amirkhanpour, M., (Eds.), Management Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Management Practices: A Global Perspective (pp. 276-300). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Media Publications
Kakoudakis, K. I. (2020). «Η χρησιμότητα του κοινωνικού τουρισμού σε περιόδους οικονομικής ύφεσης», HuffPost Greece, May 6.
Tekelas, F. (2020). Οι συνέπειες του COVID-19 στον τουρισμό και η νέα οικονομική κρίση”. Paideia News, InBusiness, Sigmalive, Alpha News, April 9).
Kakoudakis, K. I. (2020). «Το παράδοξο του τουρισμού», HuffPost Greece, January 31.
Kakoudakis, K. I. (2019). «Περί «ποιοτικού» και μη τουρισμού», HuffPost Greece, October 15.
Kakoudakis, K. I. (2019). «Η μάλλον άγνωστη, αναπτυξιακή πλευρά του κοινωνικού τουρισμο», HuffPost Greece, August 14.
Antoniou, K. (2018). “Dark Tourism: What is it and why do we care?” (Σκοτεινός Τουρισμός: Τι είναι και γιατί μας νοιάζει;), InBusiness News, August 16.
Simillidou, A. “Actions to be taken in regards to the current situation in the hospitality and tourism sector due to covid-19 pandemic” Alpha TV
Simillidou, A. “Actions to be taken in regards to the current situation in the hospitality and tourism sector due to covid-19 pandemic” Mega TV
Kakoudakis, K. Radio interview on tourism and the Covid-19 crisis. ‘Here and Now’ with Aspasia Vouzi, ERT3 102fm, (September 2020).
Tekelas, F. The consequences of COVID-19 on the tourism sector, Alpha TV News (April 2020)
Tekelas, F. “Cyprus tourism fires distress signal’’, Financial Mirror Cyprus (March 2020)
Tekelas, F. The case of the 19 year old British teen in Cyprus and how it affects our tourism, Alpha TV News (January 2020)
Tekelas, F. “OUTLOOK 2020: Trends and Perspectives for Cyprus Tourism”, Financial Mirror Cyprus (January 2020)
Kakoudakis, K. Radio interview on the working conditions in the tourism industry. ‘News Flashback’ with Giorgos Tsoukalos, ERT First Programme, (January 2020).
Academic Review Work
Antoniou K., Reviewer, Tourism Review August, September 2020
Antoniou K., Reviewer, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, July 2018
Antoniou K., Reviewer, The Service Industries Journal, February 2018