A continuing professional development workshop focusing on leadership strategies for handling disruptive times in education, including: educational autonomy; leadership with wellbeing considerations at its heart; inclusive leadership; development and maintenance of a culture of resilience; support for professional development; and creating supportive teams.
Workshop Rationale
Covid-19, the black lives matter movement, and the increasing digitised environment characterised by rapid and continual disruption have all disrupted all aspects of everyday life and have disrupted schooling globally, shaking the very fabric of education. In such disruptive times where rapid solutions are required in a fast-changing world, the priority of education must be the well-being of leaders, teachers, learners, parents, and all stakeholders involved in the smooth operation of school life, and its continuous innovation. This seminar takes a closer look at the challenges facing educational leaders today from conducting fair, inclusive decision-making processes to influencing in a more interconnected, collaborative education environment.
Workshop Aims
Building on contemporary research, this continuing professional development workshop will develop your ability to understand key challenges education leaders face and provide you with a set of concepts and tools enabling you to lead your school with impact and efficiency – maximising its performance in disruptive times”.
Date: 02 June 2022
Time: 18:00-21:00
Click here to download the workshop’s flyer