Research NoW! Conference 12 March 2014
Christos Karpasitis: First place in the “Research Image Category ”
Supervisors: Dr Antonios Kaniadakis, Dr Irene Polycarpou and Dr Jane Griffiths
Katerina Antoniou: Second place in the “Three Minute Thesis Category”
Supervisor: Dr Anna Farmaki
Congratulations to our scholars and the UCLan Cyprus supervisory team!
The Categories:
- Postgraduate Research Image of the Year
Attention grabbing images to excite and inform a lay/non-specialist audience. Digital and non-digital images, e.g. a drawing, a painting etc. will be accepted. The image can be of anything that relates to your research. For example, is there someone or something that was the catalyst for you to undertake your Research? Is there something you see every day while you do your Research that inspires you? It could even be a montage of images or ideas in picture format. The possibilities are endless!
This is a competition developed by the University of Queensland in 2008. Competitors have three minutes to present an engaging and interesting talk about your research and its significance to an non-specialist audience. It’s all about being succinct and precise.