UCLan Cyprus Open Day – 6th of September. Discover the unique advantages of studying at the British University of Cyprus
Join UCLan Cyprus’ upcoming Open Day to feel the exceptional experience, and discover the unique advantages and opportunities offered by the British University of Cyprus.
The Open Day will be held on Wednesday, 6th of September 2023, at the UCLan Cyprus Campus in Larnaka, from 15:00 to 19:00.
Explore our current and new programmes of study including the BSc (Hons) Media Production, MSc Data Analytics Distance Learning, BEng (Hons) Computer Engineering and MSc Human Resource Management, and visit our award-winning campus to discover why obtaining a double-awarded degree (two certificates) from UCLan UK and UCLan Cyprus holds significant value for our graduates’ future careers.
Our experienced Academics and dedicated Professional Staff will be ready to assist you with comprehensive information regarding studies at UCLan Cyprus, entry requirements, the application process, future career opportunities, scholarships, accommodation, student life and many more.
During the Open Day, you will also have the chance to complete the HOGAN professional career test to discover your ideal path based on your personality and characteristics.
For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at +357 24 69 40 00.