The School of Law of UCLan Cyprus held a continuing professional development webinar entitled ‘2021 Law and Technology Updates’ on 25 February 2021 with over 40 participants. Discussion topics included recent laws, legal decisions and opinions in Cyprus and the European Union in the past year, and how they affect the protection and transfer of personal information. See here.
The webinar was very timely, coming just one week after a draft opinion was published by the European Commission affecting data transfers to and from the UK.
Professor Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou, Professor of European Law and Reform and Head, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus introduced the webinar with a discussion of the contents and impact of the 2020 Trade & Cooperation Agreement on digital trade and personal data transfers to the United Kingdom.
Amy Grant, Senior Visiting Fellow at the School of Law, UCLan Cyprus and a U.S. cybersecurity and privacy lawyer, spoke about the 2020 Schrems II decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union and subsequent guidance from the European Data Protection Board, and the practical impacts on data transfers to the United States. Ms. Grant also provided information about ongoing and proposed changes by the European Commission to data transfer mechanisms for personal data transfers outside the European Economic Area.
Stylianos Christoforou, Managing Partner, Stylianos Christoforou & Co LLC, spoke about data protection laws in Cyprus and recent enforcement actions under these laws.
The webinar ended with a wrap-up by the speakers highlighting evolving areas to monitor as well as key ideas for professionals to take away from the webinar.
The video of the full webinar is publicly available here.
Subject to the professional background of each attendee, participation to this webinar could contribute to their formal or informal Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Personal Development (PD) or other self-managed learning and development needs.