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ACCA Information Event

The Institute of Professional Studies at UCLan Cyprus will host the annual ACCA Information Event, on Wednesday, 19th July 2023 at 18:00 – 19:00 at UCLan Cyprus’ Campus. During the ACCA presentation, participants will be able to get acquainted with the ACCA Instructors, lear…

7th European Conference on Social Media at UCLan Cyprus

The European Conference on Social Media was established 7 years ago in Brighton and has subsequently been held in Portugal, France, Lithuania and Ireland. The conference has attracted participants from more than 40 countries and been attended by a combination of academic scholars…

UCLan Cyprus Announcement – 2020/2021 Academic Year

Dear UCLanians, Here at UCLan Cyprus, we’re continually connected to ensure your studies remain uninterrupted – no matter the circumstances! At the start of 2020, COVID-19 brought an unprecedented set of circumstances for students the world over. UCLan reacted instantly and effec…

Memorandum of Understanding signed between UCLan Cyprus and Webarts Ltd

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between UCLan Cyprus and Webarts Ltd on 20/05/20. The purpose of the MoU is to provide a framework of collaboration between UCLan Cyprus and Webarts Ltd, for the development of joint activities of common interest. These activities wi…

Σπουδάζω Μαθηματικά και Στατιστική στο Πανεπιστήμιο UCLan...

Γιατί να σπουδάσω Μαθηματικά και Στατιστική; Για να απαντηθεί το συγκεκριμένο ερώτημα θα πρέπει ίσως αρχικά να αναφερθούμε στις κατηγορίες των προβλημάτων που μπορούν να επιλυθούν με τη βοήθεια των Μαθηματικών και της Στατιστικής. Παράλληλα, θα γίνει κατανοητός και ο λόγος που πλ…

«ΕπίΔΡΑΣΗ» προληπτικό πρόγραμμα από το ερευνητικό κέντρο InSPIRE και το Ίδρυμα Μεσόγειος...

Ο στόχος του προληπτικού προγράμματος ΕπίΔΡΑΣΗ είναι η παροχή ευκαιριών ανάπτυξης και καλλιέργειας της ψυχολογικής ευελιξίας σε προεφήβους, εφήβους και σε γονείς. Η ψυχολογική ευελιξία σημαίνει το άτομο να έρχεται σε επαφή με την παρούσα στιγμή σαν συνειδητός άνθρωπος, και βάση μ…

Study in Cyprus, the 5th safest country in the world

According to an article in, the French travel cover company Insurly has identified the 10 safest countries for 2020. Insurly collected data on disasters, transport, the caliber of healthcare systems and amounts of violent crime and terrorist threat. Th…

Safeguard your future, Choose a British University, Stay in Cyprus

The measures that have been taken to limit the spread of COVID-19 have changed our plans and the way we will be facing our daily lives from now on. Are you concerned about how you will be able to complete your studies and make your dreams come true by obtaining an internationally…
