Dr Alexandra M. Uibariu
Associate Lecturer in Criminology
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for the Rule of Law and European
[email protected]
PhD Criminology (University of Portsmouth, 2023)
MRes Criminology and Criminal Justice (University of Portsmouth, 2017)
BSc Criminology and Criminal Justice (University of Portsmouth, 2026)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
State Crime; International Criminal Law
Employment Track
Post-Doctoral Researcher, The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for the Rule of Law and European Values, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus (February 2023 – present)
Associate Lecturer in Criminology, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus (September 2023-January 2024)
Teaching Fellow in Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Portsmouth (2019-2022)
Research Coordinator, University of Portsmouth Students’ Union (2018-2019)
Research Analyst, University of Portsmouth Students’ Union (2016-2019)
Research Interests
My areas of expertise and continued research interest are:
- State crimes against democracy
- Atrocity crimes and crimes against international law
- Civic resistance to state crime
- Civil and political rights
- Organisational (state) offending
- Democratic theory
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- Part of the Module team in Current Legal Issues in Cyprus
Administrative Roles
- Post-Doctoral Researcher, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for the Rule of Law and European Values, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus
Selective Publications
Journal Articles
Uibariu, A. M. (2018). Re-Considering Contemporary State Criminality: A Theoretical Framework of State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADs). Criminal Justice Issues Journal of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies, 2018(5-6), 395-416.
Laulhé Shaelou, S. and Uibariu, A. M. (2023). An Exploration of Legal Professionals’ Perceptions of the Gender Pay Gap in the Republic of Cyprus, Nomiko Vima, 5 (December 2023), 36.
Scoping Papers
Laulhé Shaelou, S., Uibariu, A. M., Marcou, A., and Kalaitzaki, K. (2023). CRoLEV Scoping Paper. Retrieved from: https://crolev.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/CRoLEV_Scoping-Paper_D4.2.pdf
Laulhé Shaelou, S., Uibariu, A. M., and Konstantinou, M. (2023). The Gender Pay Gap in the Legal Profession in Cyprus. Retrieved from: https://crolev.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/CRoLEV-Blog_Gender-Pay-Gap-in-the-Legal-Profession-in-Cyprus_FINAL.docx.pdf
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
Uibariu, A. M. (2017, July 3-4). Old Wine in New Bottles: Chronic Political Criminality in New Democracies – A Tale of Supposedly Reformed Communists vs. the Romanian Diaspora. [Presentation.] UACES Graduate Forum: Looking Backwards to Go Forwards? Europe at Crossroads, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
Uibariu, A. M. (2017, September 13-16). The Holy Trinity of Criminological Consideration: Dis-considering, Mis-considering, and Re-considering State Criminality in Established Democracies. [Poster Presentation.] European Society of Criminology’s Annual Conference: Challenging “Crime” and “Crime Control” in Contemporary Europe, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Uibariu, A. M. (2018, March 26-28). Training the Watchdogs to Bark: A Theoretical Framework to Assist Public Sector Practitioners in Identifying, Reporting, and Taking Action against State Crimes Against Democracy. [Presentation.] Political Studies Association 68th Annual Conference: Politics of Our Time – Asking the Difficult Questions, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Uibariu, A. M. (2018, July 3-6). The Case for a Critical Criminology of State Crimes Against Democracy. [Presentation.] British Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Transforming Criminology – Rethinking Crime in a Changing World, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Uibariu, A. M. (2018, August 29 – September 1). Reconsidering Contemporary State Criminality: State Crimes Against Democracy. [Presentation]. European Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Crimes against Humans and Crimes against Humanity. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Uibariu, A. M. (2018, September 3-5). A Theoretical Framework to Assist Public Sector Practitioners in Identifying, Reporting and Taking Action against State Crimes Against Democracy. [Presentation.] UACES 48th Annual Conference, Bath, United Kingdom.
Uibariu, A. M. (2019, September 18-21). Criminogenic Democracies: A Model of State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADs) in Contemporary Polities. [Presentation.] European Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Convergent Roads, Bridges, and New Pathways in Criminology, Gent, Belgium.
Uibariu, A. M. (2020, September 10-11). Researching Emerging Forms of State Criminality: The Practicalities and Perils of the Grounded Theory Methodology. [Presentation.] European Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Anniversary Edition, Online.
Workshops – Chairing – Discussant
Uibariu, A. M. (2023, April 27-28). Social Mediation, Democracy, and the Rule of Law. [Presentation.]Social Mediation and the Strengthening of the Rule of Law (SOMEROL) Project – Closing Conference, Pyla, Republic of Cyprus.
Uibariu, A. M. and Marcou, A. (2023, May 24-28). The Rule of Law and Other European Values in the Modern Age: Democracy in Europe in Times of Emergency. [Intensive course]. Online.
Uibariu, A. M. (2023, November 17). The Visualisation of the Rule of Law and European Values: Some Aspects. [Presentation.] CRoLEV Citizen Festival, Pyla, Republic of Cyprus.
Uibariu, A. M. (2023, November 17). Rule of Law, Democracy, Corruption, and Media Pluralism. [Workshop and Panel Discussion.] CRoLEV Citizen Festival, Pyla, Republic of Cyprus.
Selective Research Funding/ Grant Capture
- Fully-funded PhD by the University of Portsmouth, 2017-2023