Dr Irina Lokhtina
Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Leadership
[email protected]
+357 24694014
PhD in Social Sciences (University of Leicester, School of Management, 2015)
MA in Management in Organisations (Baltic Academy of Tourism and Business, 2007)
MSc (Hons) Social Psychology (Saint Petersburg State University, 2004)
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (University of Central Lancashire) and PGCert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ongoing)
Employment Track
Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Leadership, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus (09/2017- present)
Associate Lecturer in Business and Management, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus (2015-2017)
Research Associate, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus – School of Business and Management / CEDAR (2015-2016)
Visiting Scholar, Newman University, Birmingham, UK (2015)
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer in Business Management, Human Resource Management, private colleges _ Cyprus (2007-2015)
Teaching Assistant, Saint-Petersburg State University (2005-2007)
Postgraduate Research Associate, Saint-Petersburg State University (2004-2008)
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
- Member of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (since 2014)
- Member of the International Research Group on Researcher Education and Careers (since 2014)
- Board Member of YBPW (2013-2014)
- Member of YBPW (2009-2014)
Research Interests
My research projects are in the domain of human resource management. More specifically, my research interests lie in the sociology of work and include workplace learning, formal training; changing patterns of work; mentoring; career support and development.
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Modules taught (Module Leader): Managing People (MBA), Human Resource Management (MBA – online), Managing Personnel and Human Resources, Management in Context, Managing People Enterprise Skills, Business in Context, Planning your Career, Debating Cases in Applied Ethics
Administrative Roles
- Student Advisor, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus (2016 – present)
- Co-organiser of research seminar series, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus – School of Business and Management / CEDAR (2015-2016)
- Co-organiser of series on practitioners’ perspectives, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus – School of Business and Management / CEDAR (2015-2016)
Selective Publications
- Lokhtina, I. (2016). “Promoting academics’ development in multiple communities through creating an ‘expansive’ workplace learning environment (Cypriot case study)’ in the Proceedings of the Standing Conference on Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults, pp. 172-180.
- Lokhtina, I. (2016). ‘To fit or not to fit’, Frontier, postgraduate research Journal of the University of Leicester, pp. 21-23.
- Boeren, E., Lokhtina-Antoniou, I., Sakurai, Y., Herman, C. and McAlpine L. (2015). ‘Mentoring: a review of Early Career Researcher studies’, Frontline Learning Research Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Special Issue, pp. 64-76.
- Lokhtina, I. (2015). ‘From corporate culture to business strategy: what works, for whom and under what circumstances’, The Journal of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus, vol. 119, June, pp. 84-85.
- Lokhtina, I. (2014). ‘Employment in the accounting profession: do not miss out on how to deal with work-related stress’, The Journal of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus, vol. 114, March, pp. 56-57.
- Lokhtina, I. (2013). ‘Deciding on the best suited approach to the demands of a modern workplace: critical insights into the role of knowledge management and learning’, Cyprus International Journal of Management, vol. 18, no. 1. Autumn, pp. 80-96.
Work-in-progress papers:
- James, N. and Lokhtina, I. ‘The dark side of peripheral participation in academic communities’, Under Review.
- Kkese, E. and Lokhtina, I. ‘Insights into the Cypriot-Greek attitudes toward multilingualism and multiculturalism in Cyprus’, Under Review
- Lokhtina, I. and Tyler, M. ‘The variety of tools that academics assemble and deploy to sustain well-being in the face of neoliberal discourses in higher education’(to be submitted)
- Lokhtina, I. ‘Initiating workplace learning: the interplay of human resource management principles and strategic development of higher education institutions’ (to be submitted).
- Wisker, G., McGinn, M. K., Bengtsen, S. S. E., Lokhtina, I., Cornér, S., Ho, F., Leshem, S., Inouye, K. & Löfström E. (in press). Remote Doctoral Supervision Experiences: Challenges and Affordances, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 16 p. (ABS 2*; Cite Score 3.1 (2020); 1.949 (2020) Impact Factor)
- Faller, P., Lokhtina, I., Galimberti, A. & Sanojca, E. (2021). Developing Gen Y Competencies: Comparing and Contrasting Four Work-Integrated Learning Approaches Across National Contexts. Proceedings _The Adult Education in Global Times: An International research Conference
Proceedings – Department of Educational Studies (ubc.ca)
- Lokhtina, I. & Kkese, E. T. (2021). Reflecting and Adapting to an Academic Workplace Before and After the Lockdown in Greek-Speaking Cyprus: Opportunities and Challenges. In: Global Trends, Dynamics, and Imperatives for Strategic Development in Business Education in an Age of Disruption. IGI Global. ISBN 9781799875482
- Faller, P., Lokhtina, I., Galimberti, A. & Sanojca, E. (2021). Developing Gen Y Competencies for the New Work Environment: Comparing and Contrasting Four Work-Integrated Learning Approaches Across National Contexts. In: Applications of Work Integrated Learning Among Gen Z and Y Students. IGI Global. ISBN 9781799864400
- Lokhtina, I. & Tyler, M. A. (2021). Reconstructing Academic Identities at Risk: Conceptualising Wellbeing and Re-imaging Identities. In: Researchers at Risk. Palgrave Studies in Education Research Methods book series (PSERM). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 55-70. ISBN 978-3-030-53856-9
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
- 17th Biennial Conference of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Finland, 2017. ‘Rethinking researcher competitive identity at the crossroads of education, business and economy’
- The Standing Conference on Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults, UK, 2016. ‘Promoting academics’ development in multiple communities through creating an ‘expansive’ workplace learning environment (Cypriot case study)’
- 16th Biennial Conference of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Cyprus, 2015. ‘Mentoring: a review of early career research studies’ – ‘Trends influencing researcher education and careers’ (co-authored)
- Biennial Conference of the International Research Group on Researcher Education and Careers, Spain, 2014. ‘Rethinking researcher education: How can we bridge pedagogical, communications and professional development communities?’
- Festival of Postgraduate Research, UK, 2014. ‘Academic Workplaces: how to advance a professional career when losing a shared vision for involvement and support’
- ‘Actual problems of social and psychological development of the individual in the educational environment of the XXI century’, Russia, 2008. ‘Psychological aspects of professional training in the field of tourism business’.
Selective Research Funding/ Grant Capture
- Grant from the Klaus Jacobs Foundation, ‘The role of HRM in promoting learning at work and developing employee competitive identity’, Researcher, 2017
Consultancy and CPD Training
- HRDA Certified Trainer, 2016
- Assistant Consultant, ‘HR Easy Learning’, Cyprus, 2007
- Business Trainer, ‘Russian-Swedish Consulting Group’, Russia, 2006
- Best Poster Award, University of Leicester, UK, 2014
- Conference Travel and Accommodation Grant, University of Leicester, UK, 2014
- Travel and Accommodation Grant, Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, Cyprus Chamber of Commerce, 2009
- Award for Academic Excellence, Saint Petersburg State University, 2004
Other Scholarly and Outreach Activities
- Verified Reviewer of Journals for SAGE
- Reviewer of Conference Papers for European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
- Certified Trainer (HRDA)
- Knowledge transfer initiatives – University of Cyprus
- Mentor – in association with the ICAEW – Student Recruitment Team on Career Events