[email protected]
+357 24694167
Ph.D. & M.Sc. in Clinical Exercise Science (Department of Sports Medicine and Sports Orthopaedics, University Outpatient Clinic Potsdam, Potsdam University, 2017)
B.Sc. in Sport Science and Physical Education (Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Serres, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2010)
Kinesiology, Clinical biomechanics, Musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging, Electromyography, Isokinetic strength measurements, Kinematic analysis, Statistics
Employment Track
Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Sciences, UCLan Cyprus (September 2020 – Present)
Erasmus and Research officer, Alexander College in Larnaca (September 2019 – August 2020)
Research associate- Outpatient Clinic, University of Potsdam (2014 – 2018)
Research assistant – Outpatient Clinic, University of Potsdam (2013 – 2014)
Student Research Assistant – Laboratory of Neuromechanics at Serres Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Serres. (contributory scholarship) (2008 – 2010)
Research Interests
My research area is focusing on sport related injuries, more particular in the prevention and rehabilitation of overuse injuries in the filed of tendinopathy and low back pain. My PhD and subsequent research centred on the injury mechanism and influence of age gender and pathology on Achilles tendon during different loading conditions. Other areas of research interest include exercise physiology and sport and performance, neuromuscular adaptation to exercise clinical biomechanics and statistics.
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership (UCLan Cyprus)
- Module delivery/leadership: Functional anatomy, Applied Physiology and scientific Enquiry, Professional work Experience, Advanced skills for sport and exercise practitioners
Past Teaching and Course Leadership (University of Potsdam and Alexander College)
- Module delivery/leadership: Test procedures in Clinical exercise science, Statistics, Advanced statistics, Research methods and Scientific writing, Literature and presentation, Developing Professional and Academic skills
Past Administrative Roles (Alexander College)
Selective Publications
- Kellis E., Ellinoudis A., Intziegianni K., & Kofotolis N. (2020). Muscle Thickness During Core Stability Exercises in Children and Adults. Journal of Human Kinetics. https://doi.org/10.2478/hukin-2019-0079
- Cassel M, Risch L, Intziegianni K, Mayer F, Ultraschalldiagnostik zur Struktur- und Funktionsanalyse von Sehnen. Rheuma (2019) 22: 28 https://doi.org/10.1007/s15002-019-1525-7
- Cassel M, Risch L, Intziegianni K, Mueller J, Stoll J, Brecht P, Mayer F. Incidence of Achilles and Patellar Tendinopathy in Adolescent Elite Athletes. Int J Sports Med 2018
- Cassel M, Intziegianni K, Risch L, Müller S, Engel T, Mayer F (2017) Physiological Tendon Thickness Adaptation in Adolescent Elite Athletes: A Longitudinal Study. Front. Physiol. 8:795. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00795
- Intziegianni K, Hain G, Cassel M, Mayer F. Gender differences of Achilles tendon cross-sectional area during loading. Sports Medicine International Open 2017; 1(04): E135-E140
- Intziegianni K., Cassel M., Rauf S., White S., Rector M., Kaplick H., Wahmkow G., Kratzenstein S. & Mayer, F. (2016) Influence of Age and Pathology on Achilles Tendon Properties During a Single-leg Jump. J.Sports Med.
- Kellis E, Ellinoudis A, Intziegianni K. Reliability of Sonographic Assessment of Biceps Femoris Distal Tendon Strain during Passive Stretching. Ultrasound Med Biol 2017; 43(9):1769-1779
- Intziegianni K, Cassel M, König N, Müller S, Fröhlich K, Mayer F. Ultrasonography for the assessment of the structural properties of the Achilles tendon in asymptomatic individuals: An intra-rater reproducibility study. Isokinetics and Exercise Science 2015; 23:263-270.
- Intziegianni K, Cassel M, Froehlich K, Engel T, Mayer F. Measuring Achilles Tendon Length: A simple and Reliable Method. Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2015; 31(4):260-266.
- Konig N, Cassel M, Intziegianni K, Mayer F. Inter-rater reliability and measurement error of sonographic muscle architecture assessments. J Ultrasound Med 2014; 33(5):769-777.
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
- Engel T, Mueller J, Kopinski S, Intziegianni K, Reschke A, Mueller S, Mayer F. Muscular reflex responses of trunk and lower limb muscles following unexpected gait perturbations in people with and without back pain. XXI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology – ISEK Conference, Chicago, USA.Book of Proceedings, 173, 2016
- Intziegianni K, Cassel M, Rauf S, White S, Rector M, Kaplick H, Wahmokow G, Kratzenstein S, Mayer F. Ultrasonographic assessment of Achilles tendon properties during a one-leg jump: A comparison between age and pathology. Medicine & Science in Sports & exercise. Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 48 (Suppl. 7): S2876, 2016
- Wang V, Reschke A, Intziegianni K, Mayer F, Wippert P. Injury frequency & risk factors on athletes: The influence of medical care providers availability. 9th International Baltic Sports Medicine Conference, At Tartu, Estonia, 2015
- Intziegianni K., Cassel M., Hain G, Froehlich K., Mayer F. Reliability Of Sonographic Assessment Of Achilles Tendon Cross-sectional Area At Rest And Maximal Voluntary Contraction. Medicine & Science in Sports & exercise. Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 46 (Suppl. 5): S220, 2014
- Hain G., Cassel M., Intziegianni K., Mayer F. Achilles Tendon Cross-Sectional Area Changes during Maximal Voluntary Isometric Plantar-Flexion Contraction in Healthy Individuals. Medicine & Science in Sports & exercise. Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 46 (Suppl. 5): S219, 2014
- Intziegianni K, Cassel M., Koenig N., Mayer F., Reliability Of Variables defining Mechanical and Material Properties Of The Achilles Tendon. Medicine & Science in Sports & exercise. Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 45 (Suppl. 5): S198, 2013
- Intziegianni K, Cassel M., Mayer F., Reliability of Assessing Achilles tendon Length. In 8th EFSMA European Congress of Sports Medicine, 6th Joint Meeting SFMES and SFTS French Society of exercise and sports medicine, French Society of Sport traumatology. Strasburg, 26.-28.09.2013, France. 1, (Suppl. 1):S249., 2013
- Intziegianni K, Cassel M, Mueller S, Mayer F. Ultrasound Evaluation Of The Patellar Tendon Cross sectional Area And Its Relation To Maximum Force. Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 44 (Suppl. 5): S522. 2012
- Intziegianni K, Wang V, Cassel M, Mayer F. Ultrasonography Evaluation of the Achilles Tendon Thickness in Two Different Angles and Levels of Contraction in Asymptomatic Subjects. In: 7th EFSMA – European Congress of Sports Medicine, 3rd Central European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Salzburg, 26.-29.10.2011. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House. 2011
- Intziegianni K, Karagiannides E, Kellis E. Distal morphology of the hamstrings muscle group using three-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 15th annual congress of the ECSS – European College of Sport Science, 23-26.06.10, Antalya-Turkey, 2010
Selective Research Funding/ Grant Capture
- Social media and internet addiction among youth population in Cyprus – Funded by Alexander college, Cyprus national addiction authority, Hellenic Bank, Cyprus youth organization– Alexander college (2019-2020) – Researcher
- Mispex project (https://mispex.de/) – National Research network for medicine in spine exercise – Funded by BISp Federal Institute of Sport Science – University of Potsdam (Germany 2011-2018) –Researcher
- Best Presentation Award, 9th Baltic International Sport Medicine Conference, Tartu, Estonia. (2015). Wang V, Reschke A, Intziegianni K, Mayer F, Wippert P. Injury frequency & risk factors on athletes: The influence of medical care providers availability. 9th International Baltic Sports Medicine Conference, At Tartu, Estonia
- Young Investigator Award (Poster Session: Sports Traumatology). (2013). Intziegianni K, Cassel M., Mayer F., Reliability of Assessing Achilles tendon Length. Vol. 1, (Suppl. 1):S249. In 8th EFSMA European Congress of Sports Medicine, 6th Joint Meeting SFMES and SFTS French Society of exercise and sports medicine, French Society of Sport traumatology. Strasburg, 26.-28.09.2013, France
- Contributory Scholarship (2010) – Fellowship award involving assistance in the Laboratory of Neuromechanics, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science at Serres of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, during the 4th year of Bachelor studies