Dr Pim Albers
Senior visiting fellow Rule of Law and Justice
[email protected]
+357 24694000
PhD Degree Public Administration and Law (Tilburg University, 1996)
Master’s degree Public Administration (Erasmus University Rotterdam/Leiden University, 1990)
Evaluation of judicial reforms in Eastern Europe, (Central) Asia and the Middle East and North Africa region, development of regional and global instruments to assess performance in the justice sector, measurement of Rule of Law and promotion of measures to enhance efficiency and quality of justice in various countries
Employment Track
Senior visiting fellow Rule of Law and Justice, School of Law, Cyprus Campus, University of Central Lancashire, UCLan Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus (2020 – current)
Expert and owner of IUSTUS Consulting Services focused on the delivery of expertise and technical assistance to European and International Organisations, national donors and governments in the field of justice and law (2014 – current)
Senior policy adviser administration of justice and national contact point European Judicial Network in Civil Matters – Ministry of Justice and Security of the Netherlands (2009 – 2014)
Senior project leader Justice Sector Peer Assisted Learning Network (JUSTPAL) World Bank and The Hague Institute of Justice (2012 – 2013; parttime)
Special Adviser of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe (2006 – 2009)
Senior policy adviser administration of justice Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands (1999 – 2006)
Research manager external funded scientific research, Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC) Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands (1997 – 1999)
Senior scientific researcher public administration, law and justice, Institute of Social Research (IVA) a research institute of Tilburg University (1991 – 1997)
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
- Regional vice-president Europe International Association for Court Administration (IACA)
Research Interests
Empirical research on the measurement of the Rule of Law; development of new approaches for measuring the functioning of justice and judicial systems in a comparative manner; court quality policies; e-justice; ADR and mediation; monitoring and evaluation of judicial reforms and court performance measurement.
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
Teaching and Course Leadership
- Speaker EU-POP Summer school (2020)
Selective Publications
- World Bank (2015 – co-author), Serbia Judicial Functional Review
- Albers, P. Beauvais, , J.F. Bonhert, M. Bose, P. Langbroek, A. Renier and T. Wahl (2013), Towards a common evaluation framework to assess mutual trust in the field of EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters, The Hague
- Albers (2012), Chapter about mediation in The Netherlands. In: De Palo and Trevor, EU mediation: law and practice (Oxford University Press)
- Albers (2008), Integrity of judges and prosecutors: fundamental principles and facts, Strasbourg (published as a chapter in the Council of Europe Octopus conference book ”Corruption and Democracy”, Strasbourg Council of Europe publishers
- Albers (2008), Judicial systems in Europe compared, (published as a chapter in Van Rhee C.H. and Uzelac A. (eds) Civil Justice between efficiency and quality: From Ius Commune to the CEPEJ (Intersentia, Antwerp, Oxford, Portland
- CEPEJ 2008, European Judicial systems 2008: efficiency and quality of justice, Strasbourg Council of Europe publishers
- Albers (2008), Mapping Legal Europe. Article in: the European lawyer (issue 74, Jan. 2008), London.
- Council of Europe (2006), European judicial systems: edition 2006, Strasbourg.
- Voermans en P. Albers (2003), Councils for the Judiciary in EU countries, Leiden.
- Albers (2003), Evaluating judicial systems: a balance between variety and generalization (CEPEJ 2003)12.
- Albers (1996), Justice revisited: empirical research of the policy preparation and implementation of judicial reforms in the Netherlands (in Dutch) (diss.), Tilburg University Press, Tilburg.