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Mr Aimilios Hadjiliasi

PhD Research Scholar

[email protected]

+357 24 694087


PhD (student) Computing (University of Central Lancashire)

BSc (Hons) Computing (UCLan Cyprus, 2021)


Games Development, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Immersive Learning, Virtual Reality (VR), Agent Technologies and Pedagogical Agents

Employment Track

  • Lab Assistant for CO3519 – Artificial Intelligence module, UCLan Cyprus (2022-Present)
  • Teaching Assistant for CO1301 – Games Concepts module, UCLan Cyprus (2021-Present)
  • Student Researcher Intern, INSPIRE Lab (2021)

Research Interests

Engaging in multidisciplinary research, specializing in the mixture of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligent Agents, Pedagogical Agents and Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Immersive Technologies such as Virtual Reality to support learning.

Research interests include Virtual Reality, Immersive Learning Technologies, Serious games, Artificial Intelligence and its application in education, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Virtual Worlds and Virtual Learning Environments.

Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)

  • Research Associate – UCLan Cyprus (2021-Present)

Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations 

Poster Presentations:

  • Hadjiliasi A., Nisiotis L., and Polycarpou I. (2022) – Utilising Pedagogical Agents and Virtual Reality as a unified technology to support immersive learning [Poster] at the 9th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage 2022 conference.
  • Hadjiliasi A., Nisiotis L., and Polycarpou I. (2022) – Utilising Pedagogical Agents and Virtual Reality as a unified technology to support immersive learning [Poster] at the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Reality (ICIR 2022) conference.



  • UCLan Cyprus 50% Scholarship for 4 years towards a BSc (Hons) Computing (2017)
  • UCLan 100% Scholarship for 3 years towards a PhD in Computing (2021)


  • Dean List Award (2021)
    • For graduating with First Class Honors
  • 2nd place award – IEEE ACIR/ICIR Competition (2021)
    • For the implementation of an Intelligent VR Museum to support cultural heritage and enhance user experiences

Other Scholarly and Outreach Activities

  • Studio Manager, Rays and Vectors – UCLan Cyprus (2021-Present)
  • Mentor and Judge, Logipegnion Game Development Competition (2021-22)
  • 9th ACM womencourage Conference Volunteer (2022)
  • 2nd IEEE ICIR Conference Volunteer (2022)