Dr Klearchos Kyriakides
Senior Visiting Fellow of English Law and Legal Practice
[email protected]
+357 24694000
PhD Degree in History (Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, UK, 1997)
MPhil Degree in International Relations (Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, UK, 1992)
LLB (Hons) Degree in Law & Politics (University of Birmingham, UK, 1991)
Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales (Qualified and Admitted to the Roll, 2003; practising Assistant Solicitor, 2003-2007; non-practising Solicitor, 2007-)
Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (University of Westminster, UK, 2000)
Postgraduate Diploma in Law (University of Westminster, UK, 1999)
The English Legal System and English Law, particularly Public Law, Professional Ethics and Economic Crime.
Employment Track
Senior Visiting Fellow, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus (September 2021 -)
Independent Academic Consultant (self-employed) (September 2021 – )
Deputy Head, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus (June 2019-August 2021)
Assistant Professor, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus (September 2015- August 2021)
Senior Lecturer, School of Law, University of Hertfordshire, UK (2004-2015)
Lecturer (0.5 appointment), School of Law, University of Hertfordshire, UK (2002-2004)
Occasional visiting guest speaker and course director, Strategic Studies Courses for HM Forces, Institute of Continuing Education, Madingley Hall, University of Cambridge, UK (1996-2009)
Practising Assistant Solicitor, Adonis Kyriakides & Co. Solicitors, London, UK (2003-2007)
Trainee Solicitor, John B. Calver & Co. Solicitors, London, UK (2001-2002)
Independent Academic Member, Chief of the Air Staff’s Air Power Workshop, Royal Air Force, UK (1997-1998)
Secretary, Chief of the Air Staff’s Air Power Workshop, Royal Air Force, UK (January 1995-December 1995)
Research Fellow, Royal Air Force Staff College, Bracknell, Berkshire, UK (January 1995-December 1995)
Memberships (Academic/Professional)
- Affiliate Member, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, UK (2021-)
- Co-initiator, Rule of Law Monitoring Mechanism, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus (2020)
- Member, Society for Modern Greek Studies, UK (2008-2018)
- Executive Committee Member, Society for Modern Greek Studies, UK (2010-2015)
- Member, The Law Society of England and Wales, UK (2003-)
- Executive Committee Member, West London Law Society, UK (2006-)
- President, West London Law Society, UK (2010-2011)
- Vice-President, West London Law Society, UK (2008-2010)
- Member, Learning and Development Sub-Committee, Hertfordshire Family Justice Board, UK (2007-2013)
- Executive Council Member, Hertfordshire Law Society, UK (2006-2013)
Research Interests
Democracy and the rule of law; the history and constitutional status of the Law Officers of the Crown; the constitutional, legal, political and military history of the Island of Cyprus, including the Republic of Cyprus and the Sovereign Base Areas therein; International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, particularly in the context of the Republic of Cyprus; professional ethics; and the themes of justice and injustice as portrayed in the lyrics of Greek music.
Roles and Responsibilities (including past roles and responsibilities)
- As Senior Visiting Fellow, my primary roles and responsibilities are: to support the teaching, research and knowledge transfer activities of the School of Law of UCLan Cyprus; to undertake an advisory role in support of the Head of the School of Law; to interact collegially with UCLan Cyprus faculty; to co-develop, co-organise and otherwise contribute to academic events and CPD courses; to assist with engagement activities; and to contribute to the research and research-funding activities of UCLan Cyprus.
- Module Leader: During one or more of the academic years between 2015 until 2021: I was the module leader on various LLB modules including (in alphabetical order) Classical Foundations of Modern Law, English Legal System, Interviewing & Advising, Land Law, Lawyers’ Skills, Legal Research & Reasoning, Placements and Public Law; I was also inter alia the Co-ordinator of the annual Mooting Competition.
- Modules Taught: During one or more of the academic years between 2015 until 2021: I taught on various LLB modules including those listed in the previous paragraph; I also taught on a number of LLM modules including (in alphabetical order) Advanced Legal Research, Advanced Legal Systems, the Law of International Financial Transactions and Transnational Regulation of Terrorism.
Administrative Roles
- Chair, Research Sub-Committee, Research and Innovation Committee (2019-2021)
- School of Law Lead, Student Experience Committee (2015-2018)
- Member, Staff-Student Liaison Committee, School of Law (2015-2021)
- School of Law Lead, Research & Innovation Committee (2015-2017)
Selective Publications
Peer-reviewed publications
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘A longdrawn-out game of chess’ and the camouflaged partition of the Island of Cyprus that followed on 16 August 1960: A review of Achilles C. Emilianides, A Longdrawn-out game of chess: The secret negotiations about the British Bases (1959-1960) / Ένα μακρόσυρτο παιχνίδι σκακιού: Οι απόρρητες διαπραγματεύσεις για τις βρετανικές Βάσεις (1959-1960) (Nicosia: Hippasus Communications & Publishing Ltd., October 2021). ISBN: 978-9963-676-24-8, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 6 February 2023, 1-23 (8,500-word article), www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19448953.2023.2167354?src= and https://doi.org/10.1080/19448953.2023.2167354
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey: Some Causes for Concern’, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 30 November 2022, 1-38 (10,800-word article), www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19448953.2022.2143855 and https://doi.org/10.1080/19448953.2022.2143855
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides and Andreas K. Demetriades, ‘Survivor-Centered Approaches to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law’,AMA (American Medical Association) Journal of Ethics, Vol. 24, No. 6, June 2022, E495-517 (10,000-word article), https://doi.org.10.1001/amajethics.2022.495 https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/sites/journalofethics.ama-assn.org/files/2022-05/hlaw1-peer-2206_1.pdf https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/survivor-centered-approaches-conflict-related-sexual-violence-international-humanitarian-and-human/2022-06
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘Eugene T. Rossides (1927-2020): His Place in History’, American Journal of Contemporary Hellenic Issues, Vol. 12, Spring 2021, 1-12 (3,900-word article), www.ahifworld.net/uploads/1/1/7/1/117198244/6-eugene_rossides.pdf and www.ahifworld.net/journal-issues/volume-12-spring-2021
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘Syria, Sarin and Cyprus: An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom’, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 3, 2020, 372-414 (20,000-word article), https://doi.org/10.1080/19448953.2020.1739879
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and its relevance to the ‘Conference on Cyprus’ in Geneva on 12 January 2017’, in Panayiotis Ifestos and Yiannos Charalambides (eds.), Eurodialogue, Vol. 5, November 2016, ‘Cyprus Issue: Sliding on a Knife Edge’, 59-83 (article), https://issuu.com/eleni_theocharous/docs/cyprus_issue_sliding_on_knife_edgeB. A variation of his article has also been published online by Agora Dialogue, 2 January 2017, https://forum.agora-dialogue.com/2017/01/02/the-fourth-geneva-convention-of-1949-and-its-relevance-to-the-conference-on-cyprus-in-geneva-on-12-january-2017/
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘Disraeli, the ‘key of Western Asia’ and the Echoes of History in the Levant’, in Anastasia Yiangou, George Kazamias and Robert Holland (eds.), The Greeks and the British in the Levant, 1800-1960s: Between Empires and Nations(Abingdon: Routledge, 2016), 97-110 (chapter), taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781315557472/chapters/10.4324/9781315557472-19
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘The 1960 Treaties and the Search for Security in Cyprus’, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 11, Issue 4, 2009, 427-439 (article), https://doi.org/10.1080/19448950903382063
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘The Sovereign Base Areas and British Defence Policy Since 1960’, in Hubert Faustmann & Nicos Peristianis (eds.), Britain in Cyprus: Colonialism and Post-Colonialism 1878-2006(Manheim: Bibliopolis, 2006), 511-534 (chapter)
- A. Kyriakides, ‘Air Power and International Air Law,’ in Group Captain Stuart Peach (ed.), Perspectives on Air Power(The Stationery Office, London, 1998), 80-128 (chapter)
- A. Kyriakides, ‘NATO and Cyprus: the reaction of the British government to the 1959 Greco-Turkish proposal to admit an independent Cyprus to NATO’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 6, Issue 1, 1992, pp. 52-63 (article), https://doi.org/10.1080/09557579208400076
Forthcoming peer-reviewed publications
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘Ethics, education and employment: Criminal defence solicitors, law schools and the legitimacy of the criminal justice system’ in Paul Behrens (ed.), Contemporary Challenges to Criminal Justice: Liber Amicorum for Ralph Henham (Oxford: Hart Publishing). This is a 9,000-word chapter, which has been accepted. Publication is pending.
Published submissions to British Parliamentary Calls for Evidence
- N.B. The above submission dated 18 March 2022 was cited by the House of Lords Constitution Committee in The roles of the Lord Chancellor and the Law Officers: Select Committee on the Constitution: 9th Report of Session 2022-23: Ordered to be printed 14 December 2022 and published 18 January 2023 (London: House of Lords Constitution Committee HL Paper 118, 2023), 83, website of the United Kingdom Parliament, https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/33487/documents/182015/default/
- N.B. The above submission dated 15 March 2022 was cited by the House of Lords Constitution Committee in The roles of the Lord Chancellor and the Law Officers: Select Committee on the Constitution: 9th Report of Session 2022-23: Ordered to be printed 14 December 2022 and published 18 January 2023 (London: House of Lords Constitution Committee HL Paper 118, 2023), 31 (par. 90 and footnotes 127 and 128), 43-44 (par. 153 and footnote 203), 46 (footnote 213), 60 (footnote 326) and 83, website of the United Kingdom Parliament, https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/33487/documents/182015/default/
- N.B. The above submission was also cited by the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee in Delivering core NHS and care services during the pandemic and beyond: Second Report of Session 2019–21 Report, together with formal minutes relating to the report (House of Commons Paper HC 320, Westminster, 1 October 2020), pp. 48 and 76, website of the United Kingdom Parliament, https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/2793/documents/27577/default/
- N.B. The above submission was also embodied in the ‘Published written evidence’ in House of Commons Exiting the European Union Committee, The consequences of “No Deal” for UK Businesses: Fourteenth Report of Session 2017-19 (House of Commons Paper HC 2560, Westminster, 19 July 2019), 62, website of the United Kingdom Parliament, https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmexeu/2560/2560.pdf
- N.B. The above submission was also embodied in the ‘Published written evidence’ in House of Commons Exiting the European Union Committee, The consequences of “No Deal” for UK Businesses: Fourteenth Report of Session 2017-19 (House of Commons Paper HC 2560, Westminster, 19 July 2019), 62, website of the United Kingdom Parliament, https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmexeu/2560/2560.pdf
- N.B. The above submission was embodied in the ‘List of Witnesses’ in House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution, 9th Report of Session 2017-19: European Union (Withdrawal) Bill (House of Lords Paper 69, Westminster, 29 January 2018), p. 84, website of the United Kingdom Parliament, https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201719/ldselect/ldconst/69/69.pdf
Selective Conference and Seminar Presentations
Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘The Cracked Colonial Foundations of a Neo-Colonial Constitution’ (Working paper based on a presentation delivered at an academic event held on 18 November 2020, organised by the School of Law of the Cyprus Campus of the University of Central Lancashire and entitled ‘60 years on from 1960: A Symposium’, to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus’), website of the Cyprus Campus, University of Central Lancashire, www.uclancyprus.ac.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/‘The-cracked-colonial-foundations-of-a-neo-colonial-Constitution-as-at-27.11.2020-PDF.pdf
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘The Commonwealth Charter and the ‘shared values’, which ought to be at the core of British policy vis-à-vis the Republic of Cyprus’. Working paper presented via Skype on 10 September 2019 to a Conference organized by the Cyprus Centre of the University of Westminster (in collaboration with the Cultural Section of the Cyprus High Commission in London, the Cyprus Branch of the Royal Commonwealth Society, and the School of Law of the University of Nicosia with the support AG Leventis Foundation), entitled ‘Commonwealth Ties: The past, present and future relations between Cyprus, the UK and wider Commonwealth community’. Held at the University of Westminster.
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘What is Democracy and is it in Decline?’, paper presented on 1 December 2018 at the Agora Forum 2018 entitled ‘The Future of Democracy’, organized by Agora Dialogue in cooperation with the Athens Development and Governance Institute (ADGI- INERPOST). Held at the Alion Beach Hotel in Ayia Napa.
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘How might Brexit affect the Republic of Cyprus?’, paper presented via Skype on 12 July 2018 at a seminar entitled ‘British-Cypriot Interactions post Brexit’. Organised by and held at the Cyprus Centre of the University of Westminster.
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘Peace-making as a continuation of war by other means: What can the peace-makers of the future learn from the history of the Republic of Cyprus?’, paper presented on 26 June 2017 at a Colloquium on ‘Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies’, organized by the International Political Science Association. Held at the University of Cyprus.
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘The imperial foundations of the proposed constitutional future of Cyprus: A lecture to mark the passage of 60 years since the seminal events of December 1956’, delivered on 1 December 2016 at an event to mark the inauguration of the Rule of Law in Cyprus and Lessons of History Programme (a precursor to the Rule of Law Monitoring Mechanism). Organised by and held at School of Law of UCLan Cyprus.
- Klearchos A. Kyriakides, ‘‘Separate Simultaneous Referenda’ and the Cementing of Segregation in Cyprus’, paper presented on 27 October 2016 at a Conference on ‘Referendums in Peace Processes: Psychological, Political and Legal Aspects’, organised by the Genetic Social Psychology Lab of the University of Cyprus, the Conflict Analysis Research Centre of the University of Kent, the Cyprus Association of Social Psychology and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Held at the University of Cyprus.
Selective Research Funding/ Grant Capture
On behalf of the School of Law of UCLan Cyprus, I drafted and signed a 32-page Motivation Letter, dated 8 January 2018, submitted to the Tenders Board of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France, in response to a Call for Tenders (Lot 2 of 2017/AO/51) for the provision of Consultancy Services in the area of Good Governance, Combating Corruption, Economic Crime and Terrorism. This formed part of a wider application to which a number of colleagues kindly contributed. On 28 May 2018, the Economic Crime and Cooperation Division of the Council of Europe confirmed that an Act of Engagement laying down the terms and conditions of a framework contract had been entered into by UCLan Cyprus Limited and the Council of Europe.
Supervision and examination of Projects/PhDs
- Director of Studies of two PhD research projects at the University of Central Lancashire (2018-2022)
- External Examiner in relation to four PhD theses submitted to the Institute of Commonwealth Studies in the University of London, one PhD thesis submitted to the University of Birmingham, one PhD thesis submitted to the University of Newcastle and one PhD thesis submitted to the University of South Africa; and Internal Examiner in relation to one PhD thesis submitted to the University of Hertfordshire (2006-)
- Supervisor or Examiner of many LLM dissertations (2002-)
Consultancy and CPD Training
- Independent Academic Consultant (Remunerated), Walk of Truth Stichting,* The Hague, the Netherlands (September 2021 -)
- * Walk of Truth Stichting (https://walkoftruth.com/) is a registered charitable not-for-profit Dutch foundation dedicated to protecting cultural heritage and tackling art trafficking together with other forms of cultural crime. In 2021, it entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with University College London (UCL) to ‘promote research, training and education around the protection of cultural heritage globally’. Further details on the MoU are in the press release published by UCL on 30 September 2021 atucl.ac.uk/global/news/2021/sep/ucl-and-walk-truth-join-forces-protect-cultural-heritage
- Co-ordinator, Chair or Tutor, CPD Courses, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus (September 2015-)
- Co-ordinator, Chair or Tutor, CPD Courses, School of Law, University of Hertfordshire (2005-2015)
- Independent Academic Consultant (pro bono), Lobby for Cyprus, London (2012-). This is a non-party political non-governmental organisation representing forcibly displaced persons from the Turkish-occupied parts of the Republic of Cyprus; Klearchos himself has roots in the Turkish-occupied and ethnically-cleansed villages of Petra, the birthplace of his paternal grandfather, and Lysi, the birthplace of his maternal grandfather.
- Winner of the Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Excellence in Community Engagement, University of Hertfordshire’s Awards Ceremony (2014)
- ‘Unsung Hero’, title bestowed on me by the President of the Law Society of England and Wales in recognition of my ‘contribution to local law societies, the legal profession and the community’ (2012)
Other Scholarly and Outreach Activities
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern Studies (published by Routledge)
- Director, Rule of Law Programme, European Rim Policy and Investment Council, Larnaca (a non-party political think tank)
- Occasional columnist in Simerini, a newspaper in the Republic of Cyprus
- Occasional speaker at webinars and co-ordinator of other academic events organized by Agora Dialogue (an Australian not-for-profit organization)
N.B. I am involved in various other activities, which are directly or indirectly related to the above.