EU – POP (2019 – 2022)

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The School of Law of UCLan Cyprus is pleased to announce the launch of a new Jean Monnet Module entitled ‘EU Law and Governance in Populist Times’ which will run between 2019-2022.

The current climate of uncertainty, migration flows without adequate integration policies in many European countries including Cyprus and the rise of fake news, particularly online constitutes a fertile setting for the rise of populists. The climate generated by such phenomena are damaging in themselves and also in their manifestation, such as in relation to the protection of the rule of law and human rights. The module is established on research-informed teaching of the soft and hard tools available at an EU level challenge the populist threat and its manifestation in the form of (i) deterioration of the rule of law or risk thereto (ii) hate speech including online hate speech (iii) hate crime (iv) aggressive Euroscepticism currently tainting Europe at a local, national and regional level.

In light of the above, the project seeks to enhance teaching excellence in the field, to ensure that UCLan Cyprus undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as young professionals and members of civil society, are well equipped with the ability to understand the phenomenon of populism and its manifestations and the tools available at an EU level to tackle them. As well as integrated teaching on new and existing undergraduate and postgraduate modules, the project will create a post-graduate module on the LLM dedicated to the theme of EU law and governance in populist times. Furthermore, there will be public guest lecturers run by external experts; a yearly summer school for students, professionals, civil society actors and other relevant stakeholders and academic research in the form of, inter alia, working papers and the creation of a peer-reviewed journal. The module will close with a final conference which will bring together academics, policy-makers and civil society, the output of which will include a set of policy recommendations to EU institutions on challenging the populist threat and its manifestations. The project is fortunate to be hosting three key experts, namely, Dr Uladzislau Belavusau – Asser Institute and University of Amsterdam, Professor Dimitry Kochenov – University of Groningen and Mr Andreas Kettis, Head of the European Parliament Office in Cyprus. Their lectures will be open to the Cypriot public.

For more information please contact: Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou, Head, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module (2019-22) at [email protected] or at +357 24 69 4008.

For further information click here.


The School of Law of UCLan Cyprus is pleased to announce a Summer School “European Union Law and Governance in Populist Times”.

The School of Law of UCLan Cyprus is pleased to announce its second EU-POP Summer School that will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of July 2021, within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module ‘European Union Law and Governance in Populist Times.’

This year’s Summer School will focus on the Role of the Courts and the Judiciary in Populist Times.

Subject to COVID-19 related measures in force at the time, the Summer School will take place simultaneously on site at the UCLan Cyprus campus and online via Microsoft Teams (10:00-16:00 Cyprus time/09.00-15.00 CET).

Certificates of completion will be issued to those attending the entire event (CPD units available).

You can find more information on the poster and flyer.

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