Event: Jean Monnet Closing Academic Conference and Open Forum Place: UCLan Cyprus Date: 3rd – 4th July 2017
On the 3rd and 4th July, a conference on ‘The Sustainability of Socio-Economic Rights in Times of Crisis’ took place at UCLan Cyprus. This was the closing conference of the Jean Monnet Module running at the School of Law between 2014-2017 entitled ‘The Law of Financial and Economic Governance in the EU’ (FEcoGov). The conference was opened by her Excellency Nathalie Jaarsma, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Cyprus. A number of eminent experts gave key note speeches, namely Prof. Dimitry Kochenov, Prof. Takis Tridimas, Dr. René Repasi and Dr. Uladzislau Belavusau. Academics from several European universities participated in the panels. On the 4th July, a round-table was held with national authorities and civil society organisations to discuss the impact of the crisis on the ground. This was followed by an open forum between academics and these institutions. Participants identified the crucial role of socio-economic rights in the EU, which lie at the crossroad of national and supranational human rights, the rights attached to the EU internal market and the need to protect rights durably and effectively.