The following modules are supported by the Jean Monnet Module whose activities form an integral part of the LLM course, to the benefit of all postgraduate law students:
Advanced Legal Systems (compulsory module):
This module shall provide the essential skills of research, interpretation and application of legal sources required for postgraduate study of international, EU and domestic law. It is important that students understand the relative roles of the various actors in the domestic, European Union and international law policy-making processes. The significance of international law as an influence upon EU and domestic law (and vice versa) shall be considered. The module shall ensure that students understand the basic concepts which underlie the creation of, the operation of and adjudication of international, domestic and EU law.
Advanced Legal Research (compulsory module):
The module aims to provide postgraduate students with advanced skills required to undertake an extended programme of research. These will cover practical skills (such as project planning and management) and theoretical skills (such as applying conceptual models). It will inform students of a range of different research methodologies and students will be able to assess the appropriateness of particular methodologies for their proposed dissertation topic.
EU Financial and Economic Governance (optional module):
The module aims to combine several separate but nevertheless increasingly integrated areas of EU governance and EU policies: EU economic and fiscal governance on the one hand and the regulation of banking and financial services in the EU on the other. This module will give to students a thorough understanding of the political and legal framework governing economic policy in the EU, the Economic and Monetary Union, fiscal policy as well as the regulation of banking and financial services within the EU and their increasing intermingling. It aims to engender a critical and multidimensional approach to understanding the various modes of governance relevant to these EU policies, including the control of regulation within the EU, the various processes put in place for these purposes and the division of responsibility between member states and EU bodies. This critical understanding of the political and legal framework of EU economic and financial governance will take account of the economic and business environment, and European integration context, as well as the current political and economic developments with respect in particular to the on-going economic and financial crisis and the creation of a European Banking Union.
EU Constitutional Law and Governance (optional module):
The aim of this module is to provide the students with a solid grounding in the most relevant aspects of constitutional and institutional law of the EU and the governance of the EU. This module will consider the theoretical and legal background to the formation and development of the European Union up to today, including through a review of the amending Treaties up to the Treaty of Lisbon and of the enlargement process to date. Union institutions, legislation and governance, the relationship between EU law and the national law of the member states will also be examined. The semester will conclude with emphasis on the judicial process, grounds for review and remedies.
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